Archive for the ‘Regions’ Category

Mountain Biking to Grow 30% in Scotland

Monday, June 27th, 2011

The BBC reports there will be a 30% growth in mountain biking in Scotland over the next five years.

“The idea of a healthy adventure activity, where you can just pick up your bike and go, has grabbed the imagination of the mass market,” Katrina Morrison, Scottish Enterprise, told the BBC.

As a result of the demand, Tourism Intelligence Scotland produced a guide on mountain biking tourism offering advice on how to cater to cyclists’ needs–suggesting companies stock up on basic bicycle repair items, offer secure bike racks and cleaning facilities, and print off daily weather forecasts for guests.

More than 1.3 million visits are made to Scotland each year for mountain biking, according to the Scottish Enterprise.

Thinking of planning a trip to the UK (like I suddenly am)? You won’t need much convincing after reading these articles about mountain biking in Scotland.

From Beth Puliti, Guide  June 27, 2011

CORBA Kids Club ride – July 2th, 2011

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Saturday July 2, 2011 – Saturday July 2, 2011

1925 Las Virgenes Road

View MapMap and Directions | Register


Organized parent/children mountain bike ride to build confidence, promote health and wellness, share knowledge of trails and riding techniques, teach respect for each other and the environment; inspire the next generation of mountain bikers and CORBA volunteers!

Meet at Malibu Creek State Park lower parking lot at 9 a.m.

For info contact:

Kids must have their own bikes and helmets.


All Fun at June 18th CORBA Beginner Ride

Monday, June 20th, 2011


Nine beginners at Sycamore Canyon (Point Mugu State Park)

Nine mountain bikers turned up for CORBA’s Beginner Ride in Sycamore Canyon (Rancho Sierra Vista/Point Mugu State Park). We started our ride on nice double track leading through the meadows of the National Park Service property of Rancho Sierra Vista. Once at the top of famous Blacktop Hill we took a moment to talk about safety of descending the hill: Watch ahead for gravel on the corners, control speed (max 15 mph), slow down for other trail users, perhaps say “Hello” and last but not least… have fun!

Once down the hill we turned west onto Ranch Center Road, unfortunately passing by the fun side route known as Art’s Trail, which was closed a year ago due to archeological concerns (read here about Art’s trail). After some climbing on the paved road … our reward. Wood Canyon fire road and two great single tracks, Two Foxes and Sin Nombre. I think I speak for all of us when I say we had a great time! No one even complained that we had to finish our ride with a final climb back up Blacktop to  Rancho Sierra Vista. Not only that, they smiled! Just check out the picture.

14 miles, 1300 feet of climbing, all smiles!


The 14-mile ride took us about three hours and had 1,300 feet of climbing, and by all accounts was pure fun!

I would like to thank everyone for joining the CORBA/North Ranch Mountain Bikers Beginner Ride. Check out the pictures.

Hope to see you on my next ride! Visit CORBA calendar and see you on the trails!

– Danusia Bennett-Taber

Safer Streets for Cyclists – take action!

Friday, June 17th, 2011

We are mountain bikers but we too sometimes ride our bikes on the streets. Please help us to support California Bicycle Coalition 3-foot passing legislation.

Senate Bill 910, cosponsored by the California Bicycle Coalition and the City of Los Angeles, would require motorists to give bicyclists at least three feet of clearance when passing from behind under most circumstances.

The California Senate approved SB 910 on June 1. On Monday, June 27, the bill will be up for a vote by the Assembly Transportation Committee. We need bicyclists like you to contact Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal, the chair of the committee, by phone, email or fax to let her know why this bill is so important to the safety of all bicyclists on the road!  A file documenting all messages of support for SB 910 accompanies the bill as it moves through the legislative process. This information is read by legislators and their staff and helps make the case for the bill. Your voice definitely counts! The deadline for calling or sending a message is 5 PM Tuesday, June 21.

You can express your support for SB 910 by phone or by email or fax. Click here for more information.




Third Public Meeting for Topanga State Park General Plan on June 14th

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

California State Parks is inviting the public to the third public meeting for the Topanga State Park General Plan. The purpose of this meeting is to present the single (preferred) plan and support materials. After the presentation, the General Plan team, comprised of CSP landscape architects environmental scientists, historians, archaeologists and park staff will be available to discuss this preferred plan. The single plan was developed with the input received at the first and second public meetings held in September 2009 and July 2010.

Following the third public meeting, the General Plan team will prepare the preliminary General Plan which will then be available for public review and comment as per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process.

After the completion of the CEQA process, the General Plan Document will be presented to the California Parks and Recreation Commission which will entail a public hearing process including additional opportunity for public comment.

A General Plan is mandated for state parks units by the Public Resources Code. The plan becomes the primary management document for a unit of the State Park System, establishing its purpose and management direction for the future. The plan does not provide specific physical designs but does provide a vision for the park and guidelines for future development.

Meeting location:

June 14, 2011 (Tuesday)

6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Stewart Hall @ Temescal Gateway Park

Sunset Blvd. & Temescal Canyon Road

Pacific Palisades

Fat Tire Fun(d)raiser Announced for November 13, 2011

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Click to register through Active.comSave the date! November 13, 2011 will be the date for CORBA’s annual fun(d) and awareness raising event. This year we will be returning to Malibu Creek State Park with a slightly different format than in years past. We’re still working out the details, but you can be sure that there will be great rides and some great prizes given away. We will be toning down the festival atmosphere and concentrating on what we love to do most—ride! We’re also hoping to have a full complement of some of the hottest bikes available for testing by some of the industry’s best manufacturers. All proceeds will go to our programs that help keep the trails open to shared use, and hopefully open up more of the many miles of trails that are currently closed to bicycles.

More information is available on our 2011 FTF page. Check back occassionally to look for updates!

Angeles Crest Highway Open to the Angeles National Forest

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Cyclist and others gather for the ACH highway 2 opening ceremony and press release This morning, June 3, 2011, at 10 a.m. the Angeles Crest Highway was opened to motor traffic, bicycles and pedestrians. It has been closed since the Station Fire of 2009, while numerous repairs were made to the highway. It had been scheduled to open last November, but one of last winter’s heavy storms brought down the hillside onto the newly repaired road. Repairs have been completed on the section between La Canada and Clear Creek. Construction continues on a few sections beyond the Mt. Wilson road junction, but traffic is being flagged through the construction zone.

Caltrans also removed the winter closure of the highway at Islip Saddle. ACH is now open all the way through to Wrightwood.

Dozens of cyclists were among the first to pass the ceremonially opened gate, just outside the Angeles National Forest border. CORBA volunteers Steve Messer, Mike and Robin McGuire were also on hand, and took the opportunity to do some trailwork along the Grizzly Flat fire road after climbing Mt. Lukens.

This has been a much-anticipated day, welcomed by hikers, mountain bikers, and everyone who just wants easier access to the forest.

Angeles Crest Highway 2 openingThe highway opening has come just a few weeks after the May 16 opening of many trails that had been closed due to the Station Fire. A complete list of opened trails can be found in our previous story.

June Skills Clinic Photos

Monday, June 6th, 2011

The photos from the June 4th Free Basic Skills Clinic are now posted in our June 2011 Skills Clinic photo gallery.                                                                                                                                                                                                   .

Topanga State Park General Plan Meeting #3

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

California State Parks is holding its third public meeting to determine the new general plan for Topanga State Park on June 14 at Temescal Gateway Park in Pacific Palisades. Mountain bikers who use Topanga State Park and surrounding trails in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation area are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting and comment on the plan. For details click here Scan 4.

CORBA/IMBA Affiliation Update

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

A few months ago we told you about our decision to partner with the International Mountain Bicycle Association’s (IMBA) chapter program. The process is complete, and we are happy to announce that the transition is going very well. However, there are still a few things that were unforeseen, one of them being the renewal process.

Many CORBA members have recently received a renewal notice from IMBA, which may be confusing. This is because your CORBA membership automatically became an IMBA membership when we made the transition. No problem! Simply renew your new IMBA membership and select CORBA as your local chapter each time you renew. From now on when you renew, you will renew both your IMBA and CORBA membership at the same time, with everything being handled by IMBA. If renewing by telephone, please make sure to indicate CORBA as your local chapter.

We encourage you to continue to make donations directly to CORBA to help support our local efforts of advocacy, trail building and maintenance, free monthly mountain bike skills classes, Youth Adventures at-risk youth outings, Kids Club, and our web site CORBA still receives a percentage of membership dues though through this affiliation with IMBA, but dues alone can not support our programs entirely. Our Trail Crew requires annual tool purchases, and Youth Adventures is in constant need of bikes, parts, and helmets, as well as snacks for participants because many of these kids can not even afford a granola bar for themselves or come to the outing without having had breakfast. Other costs include licensing and insurance for our trailers and ride programs. It adds up! Click here to go directly to our donation page. Thank you for your support in helping us keep trails open to bicycles!