Wilderness Proposal Public Hearings – Be there to help save access to trails Apr 9, 10

March 22nd, 2013

Fellow cyclists, the four Southern California National Forests Land Management Plan Amendment is currently in its public comment period. The amendment makes changes to Land Management plans in the Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernadino and Cleveland National Forests. Within that proposal are two alternatives that will forever impact bicycle access to public lands in the Angeles National Forest.

Maps of the proposals are available here.

Fish Canyon Salt Creek Wilderness - Alternative 2

Alternative 2 Map – Click for a larger version

Alternative 1, the “no-action” alternative, is the only alternative we can presently support.

Alternative 2 retains a backcountry non-motorized status for Red Mountain and Tule districts, but it appears that the trails in the Fish Canyon/Salt creek areas may be forever closed. These trails have appeared in guidebooks dating back to the 90’s, and we have ride reports from much more recent times. We asked for these trails to be left out of any wilderness proposals.  There are many other trails, official and unofficial, in the area, and we’re seeking documentation of those trails. If you have knowledge of these potentially affected trails, let us know. We could support Alternative 2 if the trails in question are cherry-stemmed out of the wilderness proposal.

In Alternative 3, the Fish Canyon/Salt Creek proposed wilderness on which we commented last year has now been expanded to include the Red Mountain and Tule districts of the Angeles National Forest. These two areas lie to the east and south of the Fish Canyon/Salt Creek area. These two areas were not included as potential wilderness in the original scoping documents, and we therefore made no comment on them, other than to offer our general support for their designation for non-motorized backcountry use.  Now, in Alternative 3, these two areas and the many trails that traverse them are included as wilderness. Local riders have been riding these trails for more than 30 years, right up to the present. We cannot allow Alternative 3 to be adopted.

We too would like to see these areas protected, and feel that backcountry non-motorized designation gives the area adequate protection, but the environmental lobby is pushing for federal wilderness. We have proposed a compromise, a federally designated Special Conservation Area, which prohibits extractive use, development and road-building and can be custom tailored to allow for non-motorized recreational use, while affording stronger protection for and monitoring of the environment. This would require special legislation.

After the public meetings in March, we will be compiling and submitting our comments on the proposals. We encourage everyone to submit comments on the proposals, along with supporting documentation (GPS tracks, photos) of bicycle use of the trails. The comment period will close on May 16, 2013.

The Forest Service will be hosting multiple open house meetings during the comment period. The content and format of each meeting will be the same. Meetings will begin with an open house where Forest Service staff will be available to answer questions about the Draft SEIS. A brief presentation will begin 30 minutes after the meeting opens, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Maps of the alternatives will be available for viewing. The meeting times and locations are:

  • March 26, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Angeles National Forest Headquarters, 701 North Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006 
  • March 26, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Alpine Community Center, 1830 Alpine Blvd, Alpine, CA 91901 (Hosted by the Cleveland National Forest)
  • March 27, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Palomar Ranger District Office, 1634 Black Canyon Road, Ramona, CA 92065
  • March 28, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Santa Clara Mojave Rivers Ranger District Office, 33708 Crown Valley Road, Acton, CA 93510 
  • March 28, 2013, 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM, San Bernardino National Forest Headquarters, 602 S. Tippecanoe Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408
  • April 9, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Mt. Pinos Ranger District office, 34580 Lockwood Valley Road, Frazier Park, CA 93225
  • April 10, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Southern California Edison, 103 David Love Place, Goleta, CA 93117 (Hosted by Los Padres National Forest)

For Further Information Contact Bob Hawkins, Project Manager atsocal_nf_lmp_amendment@fs.fed.us, or visit the
project website at http://www.fs.fed.us/nepa/fs-usda-pop.php?project=35130.


Update 3/25/2013:  We have learned more about the draft proposals and reported here.


Recreation and The Future of Conservation

March 19th, 2013

As CORBA prepares for discussions about wilderness proposals in the Angeles National Forest, we found the following Tedx Talk by Brady Robinson, Executive Director of the Access Fund, timely and relevant.

One of CORBA’s missions is to protect and preserve the open spaces and public lands on which we pursue our joint passions for cycling and nature. While we feel that our open spaces need protection from development and other activities that would forever change the landscapes we love so much, doing so in a way that precludes future bicycle access, or takes away existing public, multi-use trails is something that we and the growing off-road cycling community have difficulty supporting.

Robinson’s assertion that we tend to protect that with which we are familiar rings so true. If we never get our younger generations to experience nature in a way that is compelling and entices them to return, we’ll all have a much harder time convincing them of the need to protect our public lands. He says: “By remembering what we love and why we love it, we find the inspiration to protect it and nurture it for future generations.”

After watching the video, let us know what you think.


TEDxBoulder – Brady Robinson – Recreation and the Future of the Conservation Movement from Access Fund.

Learn more about this TedxBoulder talk here.

Skills Clinic Photos for March 2, 2013

March 2nd, 2013

We had a surprisingly small class today. I had expected more, given what a warm day it was, especially compared to recent weekends. But just a dozen people when riding with us in Malibu Creek State Park to participate in the free monthly basic skills clinic. You can see the photos in the March Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

March eTerraTimes Newsletter Published Feb 27

February 27th, 2013

The March edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes, was published today, February 27. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online.

As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.

Why? Good Question!

February 26th, 2013


By Mark Langton

It was recently brought to our attention that newly elected president of Equestrian Trails, Inc. (ETI) Robert Foster, a retired law enforcement officer, donates his time as an emergency medical technician at So Cal High School Mountain Bike Racing League races. Mr. Foster is a staunch supporter of the league, and in his president’s message in ETI’s most recent newsletter he stated that it’s a new era in our public open space trail systems, and mountain bikers are part of the trail user community so we all should try to figure out ways to get along.

Now I’ve been doing this advocacy thing for over 25 years, and I’ve experienced a lot of encouraging progress in the areas of shared use, especially when it comes to opening more trails to bicycle use. To hear the president of an organization that has historically had some of its members rally against mountain bikes say that we need to get along is truly groundbreaking. But things like this come fewer and more far between than I’d like, and during these 25 years I have often asked myself “why am I doing this?” The answer is always “because it’s the right thing to do.” This might sound insane (insanity once being defined by Albert Einstein as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results), and in many ways this might be true. But then something like Robert Foster’s reasonable position comes along and I think to myself, maybe we have been doing the right thing after all.

Over the years we have heard many reasons people feel mountain bikes don’t mix on shared use trails, but only one is valid; people riding their bikes too fast at the wrong time and place (around other trail users) is just not a pleasant experience for the people being passed at an inappropriate speed. As I’ve said many times before, we all have within our power the ability to solve this issue: slow down. In other words, use caution when around others. Let me put it another way; your actions represent the entire mountain bike community. The smile you create through a pleasant trail encounter goes a long way.

GirlzGoneRiding March Update

February 26th, 2013

Look what is coming up soon with GGR!!!!!


Sunday April 7th: Wenches with Wrenches workshop!

This is the 1st of our series of FREE workshops for 2013. To be held at Pasadena Cyclery: http://pasadenacyclery.com/. The workshop will run from 10am-3pm and will include recreating scenarios that happen on the trail we can repair ourselves so we don’t have to walk the bikes out. You will be working on your OWN bikes and using your own tools. Pasadena Cyclery will provide some tools if you don’t have them. They will also offer all GGR members a great discount for the day on items purchased the day of the clinic. We will only be taking 15 GGR girlz for this event due to the special attention the mechanics will need to give each and every one of us.

An event page for this will be on the GGR Face book page soon. Sign up IS required. This is a FREE bike repair clinic.

Saturday April 27th: The next GGR OPEN ride! Beautiful Sycamore Canyon in Newbury Park. Open to ALL levels and beginners encouraged! A sign up will be available soon on the GGR Face Book Page. Sign up IS required.

Slide1Sunday April 28th: GGR Girl Jenny Johnson is also doing a fund raiser to help raise funds for materials and tools desperately needed to maintain the trails in the San Gabriel Mountains! MWBA is a non-profit chapter under IMBA just like CORBA. There will be pancakes, prizes, music and swag! Please see the flyer for details!

Please look for a save the date for the big GGR annual event which will be at the end of October again. We will be having another CORBA/IMBA membership drive, silent auctions, raffles, skills clinics, back by VERY popular demand also will be the swap meet, and of course the awesome, incredible joy of cross country rides in our beautiful Malibu Creek State Park.

Want a GGR jersey in our beautiful GGR purple with CORBA/IMBA on your back?? You can order them year round now and have them shipped directly to you! http://www.girlzgoneriding.com/ggr-jerseys/order-final/

And last but not least, a VERY special ride in MARCH to the club who started it all! NORTH RANCH! They are celebrating 25 years of riding! Many of the GGR girlz are also North Ranch riders. It is where a lot of us met! For more information on North Ranch which is a co ed mountain biking group, please go on the site here: http://www.nrmbc.org/

Saturday, March 2: 25th NRMB Anniversary Ride Description: We will retrace the very first ride the NRMB ever did.  We start at Cheseboro and work our way to the top of the Edison Power Roads.  Then we drop down and “somehow” cross over to the Albertson Motorway.  Then we go down Dead Cow and work our way west along the Power Roads just north of Kanan dropping down into North Ranch for a picnic. Meet at 9:30 am and be ready to depart 15 minutes later. 
Endurance Rating = 3.5, Technical Rating = 3.5, 15 Miles and 1500 Feet of Climbing, About 3 Hours,
Ride Leader: Randy

GGR would like to thank their year round supporters as well, please support them as they support our local women’s cycling community:

Cycle World: http://cycleworldbikes.com/

CORBA:          http://corbamtb.com/

Please visit GGR on our blog page, then become a member on the FACE BOOK PAGE! We post all events, work shops, rides, trips, injuries, stuff for sale, fitness threads and more. This is a women’s only mountain bike group that is FREE. All ages and levels are welcome! We have teenagers to women in their 70’s who ride with us!



For any questions at all, please feel free to contact GGR Girl Wendy Engelberg: wendy@girlzgoneriding.com

February CORBA Kids Ride – Cheeseboro Canyon

February 25th, 2013

On February 2nd, four kids and and four adults rode Cheeseboro Canyon through Sulpher Springs and to the first big wall. New riders Josh and son, Zachary joined us again, and Joy and RJ came back after several months.  Larry hiked along side son, Elliot who was determined to ride on training wheels, and he did!

It was a perfect day; the weather warmed up gradually, and the kids had lots of opportunities to practice trail ettiquette as the canyon was very busy with runners training for the upcoming marathon in March.


Click here to see pictures from this fabulous ride.

Next ride March 2 at 9 a.m. Sullivan Canyon, Brentwood side.  Hope to see you and your kids there!

COSCA Spring Trailwork Day March 23th

February 25th, 2013

Come out and join the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA), CORBA, the Santa Monica Trails Council and other volunteers for the Annual COSCA Spring Trailwork Day. We will be building a new trail in the Western Plateau/Conejo Canyons area.

At noon, following the morning of trail-building, workers will be treated to hamburgers/vegi-burgers, chips, fruit and drinks while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow trail enthusiasts!

Wear protective clothing (long-legged pants, long-sleeved shirts, sunglasses), sturdy shoes, gloves, hat and sunscreen.

No experience necessary. Tools and instructions on how to use them safely and effectively will be provided. Must be 18+ years of age. Beware of poison oak, ticks & rattlesnakes.

Follow directions of park rangers and trail crew leaders at all times.

Pre-registration is required so that COSCA will have enough tools, crew leaders and food!

Directions to the meeting place and other details are included on the online registration page.

Lots of brush removed from Backbone Trail west of Kanan during Feb 23 trailwork day – and photo gallery

February 24th, 2013

During a joint trailwork day, CORBA and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council trail crews cleared brush (lots and lots of it!) and fixed drainages on the 2.5 mile segment of the Backbone Trail west from Kanan Rd to Zuma Ridge Motorway.

CORBA volunteers are knee-deep in cuttings that have fallen into the trail
CORBA volunteers are knee-deep in cuttings that have fallen into the trail

We split into two teams to tackle this trail. 15 CORBA volunteers grabbed loppers and saws to take on the overgrowing brush. The tread along this segment is in pretty good shape, so a small group of four SMMTC and CORBA volunteers took earth-moving tools to clear out the drainages so rain water wouldn’t cause ruts in the future.

It’s important to clear brush from the trail not only to keep it from becoming so overgrown that it’s impassible, but also to increase the sight distances so approaching travellers can see each other from further away and have time to react/respond to the other’s presence. In the case of mountain bikers approaching hikers or equestrians, this should mean slowing down and preparing to stop, if necessary, to yield the right-of-way.

This trail had been worked by the SMMTC crew twice in the past few months so much of the brush had already been cut back, but there were two very bad sections. One was about 2/3 miles east of Zuma Ridge Mtwy where the brush has not been cut back for several years and both sides had grown almost to the middle. The other was on the switchbacks near Kanan Rd where the heavy branches overhead were drooping down so low that riders need to duck a lot of them.

We started from Zuma Ridge Mtwy and worked our way east, cutting back a few bushes to improve sight distances until we came to the major section that was overgrown. We spent most of our time there and now it’s very easily passible. And we created a huge pile of cut branches off the side of the trail!

Volunteers enjoy lunch at the Urbane Cafe after the workday is finished

Volunteers enjoy lunch at the Urbane Cafe after the workday is finished

Once that was done, we hiked east, pausing at the bridge for a snack and to enjoy the pretty area. We had hoped to clear the overhanging branches near Kanan Rd, but we only had time to clear some other problem spots we passed on the way there. Overall, we worked on 2 miles of the 2.5-mile long trail segment.

After putting the tools away, CST tires, 26″ and 29″, were distributed to everyone who wanted one, as a “Thank-you!” from CORBA, IMBA and CST Tires for helping out. Then we retired to Ubane Cafe for lunch.

We’ll have to have another trailwork day to clear those other low hangning branches, but they’re close to the trailhead so it will be easy to get to them. Stay tuned for news of future trailwork days to clear out this section!

Check out our trailwork photo gallery to see photos of this trailwork.


Southern California National Forests Land Management Plan Amendment, Draft Supplemental EIS Available for Review

February 21st, 2013

National Forest Draft Land Managment PlanThis was recently recieved from the Forest Service, regarding the Land Management Plan Amendment, which will guide the management of land in the Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernadino and Cleveland National Forests.  We previously commented on the process, but now everyone is encouraged to look over the draft to see what might affect our access to trails, and the protection of the lands we love.

CORBA (and I’m sure many other local advocacy groups from the mountain biking world and beyond) will be reviewing the drafts and posting our comments after the public meetings.


Dear Interested Agencies, State and Local Governments, Tribes, and Public:

On behalf of the Angeles, Cleveland, Los Padres, and San Bernardino National Forests, I am pleased to announce the release of our “Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), Southern California National Forests Land Management Plan (LMP) Amendment” for review and comment. The proposed amendment would revise land use zone allocations for select Inventoried Roadless Areas within the four forests and amend LMP monitoring protocols. The Draft SEIS considers alternatives for the land use zone allocations and monitoring, as well as the No Action alternative. The Notice of Intent for this SEIS was published in the Federal Register on April 27, 2012 (Vol. 77, No. 82, page 25128).

The Draft SEIS is available for review and comment on the project website at:

The purpose of this comment period is to provide an opportunity for the public to provide early and meaningful participation on a proposal before a decision is made. Additionally, those who provide substantive comments during this comment period will be eligible to file an objection to the proposed amendment pursuant to the 36 CFR part 219 subpart B regulations at the time the Final Environmental Impact Statement is released.

How to Comment and Timeframe

The Environmental Protection Agency published a Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Draft SEIS in the Federal Register on Friday, February 15, 2013. The opportunity to provide comments and thereby establish eligibility to object under 36 CFR Part 219 Subpart B ends 90 days following that date. The publication date of the NOA in the Federal Register is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period for a proposed action documented in a Draft SEIS. Those wishing to comment should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. The comment period will close on May 16, 2013.

Comments may be filed through the project website at:


or send via e-mail to:


Send written comments to the Cleveland National Forest, 10845 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92127-2107, ATTN: LMP Amendment. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to a comment, a verification of identity will be required for objection eligibility.

It is the responsibility of persons providing comments to submit them by the close of the comment period. Only those who submit timely and substantive comments will have eligibility to object to the proposed decision under 36 CFR Part 219 Subpart B. Persons providing comment should also note that if they wish to file an objection during the pre-decisional review process, their objections will have to be based on their previously submitted substantive comments unless their objection concerns an issue that arose after this comment opportunity.

Comments received in response to this notice, including names and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record for this proposal. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered; however, anonymous comments will not provide the Forest Service the ability to provide the respondent with subsequent environmental documents.

Public Meetings

The Forest Service will be hosting multiple open house meetings during the comment period. The content and format of each meeting will be the same. Meetings will begin with an open house where Forest Service staff will be available to answer questions about the Draft SEIS. A brief presentation will begin 30 minutes after the meeting opens, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Maps of the alternatives will be available for viewing. The meeting times and locations are:

      • March 26, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Angeles National Forest Headquarters, 701 North Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006
      • March 26, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Alpine Community Center, 1830 Alpine Blvd, Alpine, CA 91901 (Hosted by the Cleveland National Forest)
      • March 27, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Palomar Ranger District Office, 1634 Black Canyon Road, Ramona, CA 92065
      • March 28, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Santa Clara Mojave Rivers Ranger District Office, 33708 Crown Valley Road,Acton, CA 93510
      • March 28, 2013, 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM, San Bernardino National Forest Headquarters, 602 S. Tippecanoe Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408
      • April 9, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Mt. Pinos Ranger District office, 34580 Lockwood Valley Road, Frazier Park, CA 93225
      • April 10, 2013, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Southern California Edison, 103 David Love Place, Goleta, CA 93117 (Hosted by Los Padres National Forest)

For Further Information Contact Bob Hawkins, Project Manager at socal_nf_lmp_amendment@fs.fed.us, or visit the project website at http://www.fs.fed.us/nepa/fs-usda-pop.php?project=35130.


Forest Supervisor