Glendale Park Planning Meeting – Sep 26

September 18th, 2015

2015 Glendale Parks MeetingThe City of Glendale is growing. The increase in development of the downtown area has provided the City some funds for parks, and they are asking the public how that money should be spent.

We have some ideas, and you might too. The City wants to hear from us on Saturday, September 26, 10 a.m. – noon at the Maple Park Community Center, 820 E. Maple Street, Glendale, 91205. A third meeting will take place at the Pacific Park Community Center on Saturday, October 3, 10 a.m. – noon.

In 2008, CORBA successfully lobbied the City of Glendale to include a Bicycle Skills Park and Bike-Only downhill trail in their Trail Master Plan. In 2012, CORBA and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition advocated for a bicycle skills park in their Safe and Healthy Streets Plan (within Chapter 3, Encouragement, and Chapter 2, Education components of that plan).

We started a Glendale Bike Park petition in 2011 that gathered over 500 signatures online and several hundred more on paper. That online petition is still live and available to be signed at: This pre-dates our current Los Angeles Bike Park Collective Petition which has over 1800 signatures calling for bike parks in the greater Los Angeles area.

in 2011 CORBA’s then Vice President Steve Messer and former high school mountain biking Coach Mauricio Barba testified before the Glendale Parks Commission to propose a new bike park. Not long after, the great recession forced the City to cut back and put many programs on hold, including our Bike Park proposal.

Earlier, in 2007 CORBA gave significant input to the City of Glendale Trail Master Plan. We proposed, and the City adopted plans for a number of new trails. Since the opening of the highly successful Catalina Verdugo trail, we believe the City is ready for a beginner-friendly multi-use singletrack trail connection from Brand Library to Las Flores Motorway and South Beaudry Motorway. Such a trail would connect these popular fire road routes and make much more interesting loop ride or hikes possible, at more beginner-friendly grades than existing fire roads.

The funds available to the City of Glendale are primarily allocated for the downtown and south Glendale areas, but there is an opportunity for some of those funds be allocated to projects that have a city-wide benefit. Come on out and ask Glendale for the Bike Skills Park, and new trails that will benefit the entire community, and/or a smaller Community Pump Track for South Glendale, or perhaps even the proposed Space 134 project, where you can currently vote for a “Bike Station.”

September 2015 Skills Clinic Photos Posted September 5th

September 5th, 2015

On a beautiful day for riding in Malibu Creek State Park, there were 8 at the free Basic Skills Clinic, which is always held the first Saturday of the month. When we started, there was almost nobody else in the park, this being the first day of the long Labor Day weekend. You can see the photos in our September photo gallery.

September eTerraTimes Newsletter Published September 3

September 3rd, 2015

The September edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes, was published today, September 3rd. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online.

As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.

Girlz Gone Riding September News September 2015!

September 2nd, 2015

GGR: Girlz Gone Riding is now counting down the days to our annual Rocktober event, also a CORBA membership drive!  Rocktober Agenda Registration went up August 31st at 6pm and blew up! There are still spots left for the October 18th event at Malibu Creek State Park, so please get signed up here: Eventbrite Registration for Rocktober
If you have never been to the annual Rocktober event, here is a run down: and here is a video from last year: GGR Rocktober 2014
Girlz Gone RidingGGR Rocktober Riding-Group-2

We are most excited that this year we will have over 100 demo bikes! Liv, Trek, Specialized, Bulls Bikes USA, Turner and Rocky Mountain will all be there with their demo fleets! Reservations are required. The reservation list and contact to reserve the demo bikes will be posted in the next few weeks.

CORBA/IMBA Membership Drive!

GGR is proud to announce our annual CORBA/IMBA membership drive. Don’t know about CORBA’s trail programs? Check them out here: CORBA’S Trail Programs.  Renew or purchase a new CORBA membership and get entered in the CORBA membership prize give away to be awarded at this year’s Rocktober event in the afternoon. We will be awarding a new CORBA jersey, a REI tent and more!
Corba Sketch-01 (1)REI Tent

To renew or purchase a new CORBA/IMBA membership, please go here: Renew or purchase CORBA/IMBA membership

To showcase our Rocktober event supporters, please visit our Rocktober Who’s WHO Pinterest board: GGR Pinterest Rocktober Event Supporters

For a complete list of demo companies, bike shops and supporters please visit our Rocktober exhibitor and supporter page that included all of their websites here: GGR Rocktober event supporters

In keeping tradition, a special COMMUNITY award will be given out this year to the bike shop that shows the most community involvement with women’s cycling. The winner has been chosen and will be announced at the morning commencement at the Rocktober event.

Bulls Bikes USA : GGR’s own Wendy Engelberg has been chosen as the only woman for the 1st ever Bulls Bikes USA ambassador program in the US: Bulls Bikes Press Release

Bulls Bikes USA is proud to announce their first ever U.S. brand ambassadors for the 2015/2016 calendar year. The six chosen ambassadors from across the country will represent Bulls in their local cycling communities, helping to educate, familiarize and expand the German-born bike brand’s presence in the U.S. market.

We were impressed and honored to see such a wide and talented range of individuals apply to be a part of our inaugural ambassador program. The six ambassadors selected to launch this first program are a dynamic, engaged and exciting group with a ton of riding experience under their belts. We are thrilled to work with these individuals as they help promote and educate fellow riders about our brand and also provide us with integral feedback on our products.”
So keep an eye out for her new Wild Edge Team 29 bike out on the trails! She will be happy to tell you all about this magnification endurance XC bike!

Bulls bike picture


Specialized Leadership trip!
GGR is proud to announce that Specialized has invited GGR’s leadership team to their headquarters in Morgan Hill for 2 days of behind the scenes, SBCU and some epic riding! 15 women will be going on this very special trip this December. On the way…………we will also be stopping of at Kali Protectives Headquarters! Kali has been a GGR supporter since day one!
Kali Protectives

Please save the date for the CORBA/RAM ride & Pancake breakfast November 1st at 8:30am. Hosted by Michael’s Bicycles in Newbury Park.
The morning consists of all levels of guided rides lead by the GGR leadership team and a pancake breakfast at Michael’s Bicycles after the ride! This is a super fun morning to join! Please sign up on the FB or Meet up pages: : Meet up: Meet Up CORBA RAM Ride & Pancake BreakfastPancakes

For all the latest news, rides and events, please go to the GGR website and get signed up on our email list too!

GGR Website

Email Sign Up

GGR Partners with CORBA for a CORBA/IMBA Membership Drive! August 31st-October 18th

September 1st, 2015

To coincide with the GGR: Girlz Gone Riding annual Rocktober event coming up October 18th at Malibu Creek State Park, GGR is partnering up with CORBA for a CORBA/IMBA membership drive!

Starting August 31st, the day that registration for GGR’s ROCKTOBER goes live, the CORBA/IMBA membership drive will start. This will run through the day of the women’s only Rocktober event, October 18th at Malibu Creek State Park. GGR Rocktober event October 18th at MCSP: Eventbrite Link for Rocktober

All GGR club members that renew or purchase a new CORBA/IMBA membership will be entered into a prize drawing to win a new CORBA jersey, an REI Tent and other goodies to be awarded at the Rocktober event in the afternoon. All NON GGR members who renew their CORBA membership, including men, will be eligible for a CORBA jersey. There will be one jersey each for a male and female/GGR renewing member.
Corba Sketch-01 (1)

Use this link to renew or purchase a new CORBA/IMBA membership: Renew or purchase new CORBA membership

GGR: Girlz Gone Riding is a non-dues, all female mountain bike club (some trail male volunteers). GGR holds guided rides, skills clinics, repair clinics, day trips, fund raisers and more throughout the year. GGR: Girlz Gone Riding

For Questions, regarding GGR or the CORBA membership drive, please contact Wendy Engelberg, Director, GGR: email
GGR New logo

New CORBA Jerseys!

August 19th, 2015

It’s been two years since we produced the CORBA 25th Anniversary jersey. We still have a few of those in stock, but it’s time for a new design.

In response to our members’ desire for a more color, we’re proud to announce a new CORBA jersey for 2015. The new jersey features an impressionistic view of our local mountains. These jerseys are of the highest quality, and can be ordered direct from Voler. For each jersey ordered CORBA will receive a small commission, supporting our advocacy and trail maintenance efforts.

Order yours now! Typical order turnaround time is two weeks. Jerseys are available in men’s and women’s cuts, and feature a comfortable, loose fit, pocketless design. Cost is $65. For orders of $75 or more, shipping is free.

Castaic Area Trail Master Plan Public Meetings

August 18th, 2015

Castaic Trail PlanWith proposed developments at Tapia Canyon and our pending proposal for a bike park at Castaic Lake State Recreation Area, there are some changes coming to trails and bike access in the Castaic Area. We’ve long known that the trails of Tapia Canyon, in particular, would be at risk once the developers move forward with their construction plans. We’ve had several meetings with the developers who seem willing to work with us to preserve some trails in the area.

In response to the public’s need for future planning, 5th District Supervisor Michael Antonovich has authorized the development of the Castaic Area Multi-Use Trail Plan.  The County will survey existing trails, proposed developments, desired trail connections, and gauge future trail needs to support a growing population. This will be a similar process to the Santa Susana Mountains Trail Master Plan, a process in which we participated from April 2012 until it’s completion last year.

The first general public meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m., at the Los Angeles County Castaic Public Library, 27971 Sloan Canyon Road, Val Verde, CA 91384.  This meeting will be followed by three user-group specific meetings for mountain bikers, equestrians, and hikers. Currently the mountain bikers’ meeting conflicts with Interbike, so we have asked if that can be rescheduled.

Last year CORBA submitted a comprehensive Bike Park proposal for the Grasshopper Canyon area of Castaic Lake State Recreation Area which we would like to see included in this planning process.

If you’re able to, come to this meeting and express your support for our bike park proposal, for preserving existing multi-use trails, and for creating new trail opportunities, such as the conceptual “Castaic Loop Trail.”

Read the County’s Fact Sheet for more details: Castaic Area Multi-Use Trails Plan Factsheet


Castaic Area Trail Master Plan General Meeting

When: Thursday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m.,

Where: Los Angeles County Castaic Public Library, 27971 Sloan Canyon Road, Val Verde, CA 91384


Castaic Area Trail Master Plan Mountain Bikers Meeting

When: Thursday, September 17th at 6:30 p.m.,

Where: Los Angeles County Castaic Public Library, 27971 Sloan Canyon Road, Val Verde, CA 91384

San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Management Plan Comments

August 11th, 2015

need to changeToday, August 11, 2015, CORBA and the Mount Wilson Bicycling Association (MWBA), submitted joint comments to the U.S. Forest Service on the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Plan and Land Management Plan Amendment’s “Need to Change” Analysis.  Our comments are linked below.

As members of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Community Collaborative, we have also signed the consensus comments submitted by the Collaborative group, which we helped develop.

These are an important milestone in the development of a management plan for our new National Monument. The Presidential Proclamation directed the Forest Service to develop a management plan within three years. Most management plans take longer than that to develop, but the Forest Service’s approach to amend the current plan should allow them to complete the plan within the alotted time frame. We were pleased that the Forest Service extended the current comment period to allow for more thoughtful comments.

We were in general agreement with most of the findings of the “Need to Change” analysis, which stated specifically that the existing Forest Plan guidance on Recreation Management did not need to change. However, the Proclamation calls for the development of a Transportation Plan, which could impact recreational trail management. Accordingly, we commented on the need to develop a transportation plan for the entire Forest, both to improve recreational opportunities and to protect the resources of the Forest.

It is now up to the Forest Service to take into consideration all of the comments submitted, and their own analysis to develop a draft Environmental Assessment and Monument Management Plan. We expect that draft to be available for public review in spring, 2016.

Until that time, we’ll continue to work with the Forest Service on project-level issues including trail maintenance and restoration, in accordance with our existing partnership and volunteer agreements.

Comment PDF:  2015-08-11 – CORBA and MWBA SGMNM Need to Change Comments

August 2015 Skills Clinic Photos Posted August 2nd

August 2nd, 2015

On a beautiful day for riding in Malibu Creek State Park, there were 16 at the free Basic Skills Clinic, which is always held the first Saturday of the month. You can see the photos in our August photo gallery.

Puente Hills Landfill Park Master Plan Announced

July 28th, 2015

PHLP_WkshpFlyer1_print_300dpi_01The decommissioned Puente Hills Landfill is preparing to become the newest addition to the Los Angeles County regional park system. The area has outlived it’s usefulness as a landfill, and is presently a blank canvas waiting for a public park to be developed. The proposed park is close to Chino Hillls, Turnbull Canyon and the Emerald Necklace, all areas popular for outdoor recreation, including cycling and mountain biking.

There are a there meetings scheduled:

Community Visioning Workshop, Monday, August 24, 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 and the Don Julian Elementary School, 13855 Don Julian Road, La Puente, 91746

Presentation of Alternative Park Concepts, Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 6:30 – 8:30, Hacienda Heights Community Center, 1234 Valencia Ave, Hacienda Heights, 91745

Final Draft Park Concept, Tuesday, November 3, 2015, 6:30 – 8:30, Wallen L. Andrews Elementary School, 1010 S Caraway Drive, Whittier, 90601. 

We invite mountain bikers and CORBA members to attend one or more of these meetings. The more the County hears demands for Bike Park facilities in the Los Angeles, the more likely we will be to get one. Whatever park ideas people have can to be presented and discussed at the initial meetings or by contacting

More information can be found at