Archive for the ‘Regions’ Category

More Unauthorized Trails “Closed”

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

By Mark Langton

More trails, this time in Point Mugu State Park, have been deemed unauthorized and marked with signs and fencing designating them as closed (View our earlier article on Malibu Creek State Park). One trail, known as “Art’s Trail,” connects Sage Trail and Sin Nombre, paralleling the paved road that leads to Wood Canyon. Two other shorter trails connect to the paved road farther to the west. Here is the narrative and explanation given for these actions from  Dennis Dolinar, District Maintenance Chief, Angeles District, California State Parks:

Last weekend, I participated in a project with a group of local boy scouts from Newbury Park to erect a combination of both fences and barriers on the four entry points to a set of unauthorized trails that lie in the backcountry of Point Mugu SP. I had become aware of these specific trails a couple of months ago while working with others on a new official trail map for the park. After discussions with our both our Senior Environmental Scientist, Suzanne Goode, and our District Archeologist, Barbara Tejada, I decided to take the steps necessary to close this set of trails until such time as they can be fully evaluated in terms of both user safety and possible resource damage.

The trails in question are totally unofficial and, as such, they probably go by various names in the hiking, biking and equestrian communities. A private website known as Ventura County Trails uses the following names to describe the trails in question. The main segment that travels roughly parallel to Ranch Center Road from Sin Nombre Trail to Sage Trail is been labeled by them as being “Art’s Trail”. In addition, there’s two short connector trails that go up to the paved road that have been given the names “Kubler” and “Clark”. It appears quite possible to me that these routes started out as little more than game trails that skirted the large, fragile meadow but, with repeated use by those park visitors who somehow knew that they existed ( they do not appear on any official state park maps ), they have become more obvious over time. Attached you will find a location map of the closed trails.

At this point in time, the trail entrances have been closed by use of simple barriers and fences but there are no immediate plans to destroy the trails themselves. The hope is that we can stop and/or minimize the use of this set of trails until such time as staff can evaluate the park resources that are potentially effected by these types of visitor use. Many of the people I spoke with out on the trail last weekend were disappointed but seemed to understand the need for us to manage this issue.

As time and work priorities allow, I will get back to you and your organization again as to our progress on this ongoing project.

While the above explanation is not wholly acceptable, it is within their purview to undertake these actions. What is most frustrating about the above comments is that State Parks is expending resources on projects that lack more comprehensive internal, peer, and constituent review and input. CORBA is monitoring this situation closely and will have more information as we obtain it.

(photos courtesy Dennis Dolinar)

Also, see the June 16th update on this story.

Nature Valley donates 10¢ per wrapper to support the National Park Service

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

When you buy specially marked Nature Valley products, keep the wrappers and mail them back. They’ll donate an additional 10¢ per wrapper to the National Parks Conservation Association, up to $250,000. And all wrappers will be recycled.

Stuff an envelope with any specially-marked Nature Valley Granola Bar wrappers with the National Parks Program logo and mail them to:

National Parks Project
PO Box 450328
El Paso, TX 88545-0328

For more details, and to see other ways that Nature Valley supports our National Parks, visit their Preserve the Parks, Get Involved web page.

Angeles National Forest Recovery Plans

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

There was an informational meeting on the recovery plans for the Angeles National Forest May 26, 2010 at the Eaton Canyon Nature Center.  Representatives from the U.S. Forest Service, San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders, the Sierra Club, TreePeople, Student Conservation Association, Caltrans, and Outward Bound were present.

The intent of the Recovery Plan is to create a more ecologically sustainable forest than before and to build a community of involved users.

There was a brief mention of San Gabriel Mountains Forever, a group the Sierra Club supports and that has the goals of promoting the proposed San Gabriel National Recreation Area and of increasing wilderness in the San Gabriels.  CORBA is investigating this wilderness proposal and its potential impact on multi-use trails.

An intern from Congressman Schiff’s office announced an upcoming informational meeting on the Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study.  The Corridor is a Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy project to expand the National Recreation Area. The meeting will be at the Nature Center at 10 am, Friday, June 4.

Mike MacIntyre, the River District Ranger for the Angeles National Forest discussed the new closure order.  Details of that are on the ANF web site.  He showed some photos of the extensive damage to the upper Arroyo Seco, Gould Mesa Road, several fire stations, Grizzly Flats Road, and Vogel Flats area.  He reported that a large boulder had been blasted from the Mt. Wilson Toll  Road near Mt. Harvard. He also confirmed that Millard campground is open, but not El Prieto, Sunset Ridge or other trails.  They are looking to open more areas by the July 4th weekend.

He noted about 35,000 acres of forested land burned, 24,000 of that was pretty much denuded and may not come back on its own.  There are plans to reforest about 11,000 acres of the 24,000.  Seedlings were not available to get started this year, and planting is expected to start with an initial 4400 acres in early 2011.  Carbon credits, grants, and Congressional sources will fund the project.<

A representative from the Tree People explained that there is a narrow window for replanting because the soil has to warm and be moist. If they wait too long it is too hot and dry for the seedlings to survive without watering, which is usually not practical.  They are recruiting and training for 2011 now.  Tree People are the lead group on the reforestation efforts.

Bob Cates reported that the Sierra Club’s Angeles Forest Restoration Project will be working on trails the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month starting in July. They have 380 volunteers signed up. They focus on the area up Highway 39 to Crystal Lake.

The Student Conservation Association is 50+ years old, but until 2004 did not have a presence in SoCal.  They have both paid workers and non-paid volunteers. Besides doing all kinds of conservation related work, they encourage participants to consider careers in forestry, wildlife management, conservation, etc.  They have some crews working with the USFS on the fire recovery.  These crews work for several weeks at a time, so can get into back country and handle more complex jobs.

The final speaker was Patrick Chandler from Caltrans District 7.  There were 25 washouts or slides along the closed section of Highway 2.  Caltrans are hoping to have it open by mid-July.  Most of the problem was that the debris flows blocked all the drains, then the water washed across the road and off the down side eroding the shoulders and below and undermining the roadbeds. Although the engineers wanted to, they are not going to build any bridges, as there are no funds available.

Thanks to CORBA member Mitch Marich for the report.

New Millennium Trail Maintenance Report.

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Clearing out the weeds that choked the trailOn Saturday 5/29/2010 a dozen CORBA volunteers and a hand full of men from the MRCA fire crew spent the day cutting back brush and doing some tread work.  We worked the Calabasas Crest Trail starting just South of Calabasas Road up to the water tank at the top of the switchbacks.  We had a hard working crew and managed to clear weeds and do tread work on 1.5 miles of trail!  There was a lot of thistle along the trail so it was not an easy task! you can view our work in the photo gallery.

The following day we returned to ride the entire trail to survey the conditions of the remainder of the loop.  The MRCA fire crew has maintained much of the North end of the trail and it is now clear of brush.  The South and West sides from Normans Way to the Bark Park Trail is in need of some brush work but it is passable for those not minding a little bushwhacking.  Keep in mind there is some thistle in there so long pants or knee/shin guards would be a good idea.

CORBA will be checking in with the Land Managers to coordinate getting the remainder of the trail maintained.

ANF Opens Campgrounds, But Few Trails

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

The Angeles National Forest issued a revised Closure order this week, just in time for Memorial Day weekend. While very little has been opened, campgrounds such as Horse Flats, Chilao and Millard are now open for camping.

But don’t get too excited. None of the trails around Millard (Sunset Ridge, Dawn Mine, El Prieto) are open. Work on the restoration of Sunset Ridge continues, and El Prieto has had extensive restoration work done, though according to FS officials neither are ready or safe enough for general use. Fire roads in the area are also extensively damaged.

In the Chilao area, sections of the Silver Mocassin trail are unburned and will probably be open, but the traditional figure-eight loop we all love is not possible, as the Vetter Trail and other sections of the Silver Mocassin and Hillyer trail are impassable and most likely in the closed area.

A map of the new closure order area is posted on the FS web site, though the resolution is not high enough to definitively determine which trails are officially open. They expect to have a higher resolution map available soon. In the meantime, obey all trail closure signs and be safe if you’re heading up there.

If you plan to visit the area, also remember that the Angeles Crest Highway between La Canada and Red Box remains closed. Caltrans has revised it’s projected completion of repairs, and we may see this section of highway open by the end of this summer. You need to access the Forest from Big Tujunga Canyon to Upper Big Tujunga Canyon, or via the Angeles Forest Highway to the north.

CORBA has adopted Conejo Open Space Los Robles Trail West (aka Space Mountain to Potrero Rd.)

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

"Space Mountain" gets its name from the radio towers at the top of the Mountain.

CORBA is proud to announce our adoption of the Los Robles Trail West (aka Space Mountain to Potrero Rd.) under COSCA’s Adopt-a-Trail program. This program allows individuals, civic groups and private companies to adopt trails. Adopting entities agree to provide maintenance for their selected trails on a quarterly basis, as well as regularly monitor conditions on the trail. This is great news for users of this trail. It is a favorite of mountain bikers locally and from all over Southern California. Los Robles West is unique for its tolerance to rain. Good drainage and low clay soil make it ridable after even heavy rainfall, so it is heavily used during the winter. But “good drainage” is not “perfect drainage,” and heading into the summer there are often some rutted sections in need of repair, as well as brush clearance is always required after spring growth. The Thousand Oaks area is fortunate to have a large selection of Conejo Open Space trails open for multiple use. Unfortunately a shortage of resources limits the maintenance performed by the land managers. CORBA is stepping in here to help fill the shortfall.  We hope to engage local trail users to help provide ongoing trail maintenance to this trail. We are looking for volunteers and trail crew leaders to help maintain our newly adopted trail. If you would like to get involved please email us, or call us at 818-206-8213. 

View Los Robles West in a larger map

Fire-danger level being raised at Angeles National Forest

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

ARCADIA, Calif. – The Angeles National Forest fire-danger level will be raised from “Low” to “High” on Monday, May 24, to enhance public awareness that fire-risk conditions are rising with warmer weather and drier local vegetation.

“High” is the third in a six-level, graduated fire-danger rating system, shown in the enclosed graphic. Factors determining the levels include vegetation-moisture levels, weather conditions and available firefighting resources.

Despite the change, there are no new campfire restrictions. Open wood and charcoal fires will still be permitted in approved “developed” campgrounds and picnic areas. Gas and propane-powered stoves and grills are permitted in non-developed areas with a state Campfire Permit.

Forest visitors should check spark arrestors (required year-round) on off-road vehicles, chain saws and other equipment with internal-combustion engines to ensure they are in working order. Drivers in the forest should stay on designated roads and never park on dry brush or grass, to avoid risk of starting a fire.

For more information, please contact Sherry Rollman, public affairs officer; or John D. Wagner, assistant public affairs officer, at (626) 574-5208.

Malibu Creek State Park Trail and Plant Rehab

Friday, May 21st, 2010

By Mark Langton

The Grasslands Trail in Malibu Creek State Park between Mulholland Highway and Crags Road Trail has undergone grading and widening to allow ranger and emergency vehicle access. Also, the renegade trails that lead down to Crags Road from Grasslands Trail have been posted as “area closed due to plant rehabilitation.” Comments from Ranger Lindsey Templeton of California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR) state the the trails will be closed. Comments from CDPR engineers noted that a new properly built connector will be installed once the rehabilitation is complete. Please do not use trails that are marked as closed for rehabilitation. In the case of the Grasslands Trail, there is no significant advantage to using the trails that are being closed for rehab.

A push to preserve the San Gabriels

Sunday, May 16th, 2010
A proposal would protect more of the mountain range and its rivers.
The river ripples cold around his waders as Bill Reeves casts a dry fly onto a pool edged with alders on the bottom of a canyon deep in the San Gabriel Mountains.  

Reeves, 69, who first fished this stretch of the San Gabriel River’s west fork with his father more than half a century ago, was in his element — scanning the eddies for rising wild trout in a wilderness that resurrected childhood memories. 

“I’d be happy if this place stayed just the way it is,” the stout conservationist said. “But with 10 million people living within an hour’s drive, these mountains definitely need more protection.”    

Reeves is a member of San Gabriel Mountains Forever, a campaign that is pushing Rep. David Dreier (R-San Dimas) to fashion a bill that would shield a larger portion of the 655,000-acre range and its free-flowing rivers from pollution and population woes with the strongest federal protections available.    

The goal is to add 30,000 acres to three existing wilderness areas and have 44 miles of San Antonio Creek, the middle fork of Lytle Creek and portions of the San Gabriel River’s east, west and north forks protected under the national Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, which would prohibit new damming.    

Today, only a 7-mile stretch of Piru Creek, in the northern San Gabriel Mountains, is designated as wild and scenic.    

Conservationists fear that time is running out. Encroachment from foothill subdivisions in the San Gabriel Valley and Lancaster, cuts to the U.S. Forest Service budget, arson fires and millions of annual visitors are eroding the qualities that make the mountains special, they say.    

“Our aim with this proposal is to protect the one-third of the Angeles National Forest that is still unspoiled open space,” said John Monsen, regional representative of the Sierra Club, one of several environmental groups in the campaign, including the Wilderness Society and Friends of the River. “The trick is to get it introduced in time for this Congress to vote on it. If it is delayed another year, there is no telling what will happen.”    

Down the mountain (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

Hikers follow a trail near the middle fork of Lytle Creek in the Cucamonga Wilderness. "Our aim with this proposal is to protect the one-third of the Angeles National Forest that is still unspoiled open space," said John Monsen, regional representative of the Sierra Club. "The trick is to get it introduced in time for this Congress to vote on it. If it is delayed another year, there is no telling what will happen."

Dreier, whose district includes much of the range, is seeking input and support for the plan from the myriad cities, environmental and recreational organizations, fire departments, flood control agencies and water districts laying claims on the watershed, which provides Los Angeles County with 70% of its open space and roughly 35% of its water.    

As part of an effort to avoid conflict, San Gabriel Mountains Forever has altered proposed wilderness boundary lines to accommodate utility company and water district easements, and has added specific language to its proposal to ensure that the Los Angeles County Fire Department has access to wilderness areas in the event of an emergency.    

Dreier was unavailable for comment. But his legislative director, Alisa Do, said, “the congressman is committed to seeing it through.”    

“But we have to be careful and cautious because this area is prone to wildfires and flooding,” she said. “Any change we make would be permanent, so the congressman continues to do his due diligence to ensure this process is done correctly.”    

So far, nine cities, including Claremont and La Canada-Flintridge, have filed letters and passed resolutions in support of the proposal, which is also backed by dozens of San Gabriel Valley churches.    

Negotiations continue, however, with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, which is worried about potential impacts on its ability to operate crucial flood control and reservoir systems.    

Of particular concern is Cogswell Dam, a remote county flood control operation that looms over an 8-mile-long stretch of the San Gabriel River’s west fork proposed for wild and scenic status.    

The operation controls the flow in the stream, which provides some of the best fly fishing in Southern California and helps recharge the metropolitan aquifer in the flatlands below. It also has an easement for the 8-mile-long asphalt lane connecting the dam to Highway 39.    

“We support the conservation effort being proposed by San Gabriel Mountains Forever,” said Mark Pestrella, the county deputy director of public works. “But they have to recognize that we run a very large system that includes man-made dams up there that provide water and safety for millions of people. We want to make sure that we are not giving away rights to some critical future need.”    

Stretching in an oblong mass from Santa Clarita to San Bernardino, the mountains’ wrinkled slopes and lush canyons are also defined by the habitat and wanderings of many rare and endangered species, including Nelson’s bighorn sheep, mountain yellow-legged frogs, Santa Ana suckers and Pacific pond turtles.    

Yet, on a recent weekday, picnic sites and trail heads along Highway 39 north of Azusa were strewn with trash, broken glass and discarded lawn chairs and ice chests. Interpretive signs and boulders as big as billboards were covered with graffiti. Picnickers fished and waded in a stream that has turned the color of coffee because of sediment and ash from the Station Fire, the devastating arson blaze of last year.    

Marty Dumpis, deputy forest supervisor for the U.S. Forest Service, which manages the range, believes the proposal would focus additional attention on the San Gabriels and their need for “more resources and educational programs.”    

As it stands, the financially strapped Forest Service relies on volunteers to help pick up trash, remove graffiti, patrol picnic areas and run conservation and educational programs. Among them are D.D. Trent, a geologist, and Ronald Quinn, a professor of biological sciences at Cal Poly Pomona.    

On a recent weekday, Trent and Quinn led a hike along the middle fork of Lytle Creek, a network of cascading snowmelt, ponds and wetlands rolling out of a rugged canyon thick with sycamores, alders, oak and Douglas fir trees.    

As a botanist, Quinn marveled at the living bluish-green blanket of shrubs collectively known as chaparral — holly-leafed cherry, Indian paintbrush, white sage, chemise, wild onions, manzanita — covering the mountains’ shoulders.    

As a geologist, Trent admired the “restless, adolescent peaks being squeezed upward by a giant vice of tectonic strain. If not for the intensity of the erosion, these would be the tallest mountains in the world.”    

But as occasional weekend hikers in the canyon, they were confounded that a great majority of the people who live only a few minutes away never glimpse its backcountry trails.

“Ride of Silence” to be May 19th

Friday, May 14th, 2010

From the Thousand Oaks Acorn

The Conejo Valley Cyclists and the city of Thousand Oaks invite all concerned cyclists to participate in the third annual memorial “Ride of Silence” on Wed., May 19.

Preparation begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Bank of America parking lot, west of Sears and Janss Marketplace at the northwest corner of Hillcrest Drive and Wilbur Road.

The ride begins at 7 p.m. The local ride is in memory of bicyclists Glenn Garvin, who was killed two years ago, and Mike Mikel, who was killed last year, both in Thousand Oaks.

The Ride of Silence acknowledges the deaths or injuries of cyclists involving bikes and motor vehicles. It involves a short 10- mile ride at a slow 12-mph pace to honor more than 600 cyclists who die each year on public streets.

The Ride of Silence is also occurring throughout North America and internationally. Helmets are mandatory and lights are recommended.

For details, see the official Ride of Silence webpage,, or the CVC page at