On Saturday September 3rd, the CORBA Kids Club rode again with several new riders and a lot of excitement to see each other again after our last big ride in June.
Dave reviewed trail ettiquette and safety tips with everybody, we welcomed the newcomers, set our walkie-talkies, and then all 17 riders saddled up and headed out. It was the club’s second time at Sycamore Canyon/Point Magu, which was the perfect place to avoid the heat. Adult riders were Joy, David, Dave, Suzy, John, Kat, and Lorenz. Kid riders were RJ, William, Julia, Nolan, Sean, Natalie, Ethan, Josiah, Emma, and Simon. Larry and youngest son, Elliot, cheered us on and took photographs (see the photo gallery of this ride).
There was a surprising amount of poisen oak along the sides of the trail. Kat pointed it out to the new riders, and made sure everybody was careful not to put their bikes into it while waiting for the others to catch up.
All but two of the water crossing were completely dry, and most kids completed them with no problems. We took our first break where the kids used the facilities, ate their snacks, and climbed a downed tree.
At the end of the ride, several adults and kids played in the beach cove, while Dave readied the BBQ, and cooked everyone lunch. After lunch and snacks, we reluctantly broke up the party.
We hope you will join us next month for the IMBA’s annual Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day at Malibu Creek State Park. Meet at the upper parking lot 9 a.m. Different ride options will be available, and a free BBQ lunch will be served.