Archive for the ‘Free Basic Skills Clinic’ Category

June Skills Clinic photos posted Sunday, June 8

Sunday, June 8th, 2014

Guest photographer Graham Martin filled in for Steve this month who was leading another event to commemorate National Trails Day. As always, there was a good group at Malibu Creek State Park for the Skills Clinic. The weather started out cloudy but cleared by the end of the class. You can see the June photos in the June 2014 photo gallery.

Malibu Adventure Games May 17

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

MAG_5x7_2014The Malibu Adventure Games return to Malibu Creek State Park May 17 with added mountain biking activities. Along with a poker ride with two different distances, there will also be a family blackjack ride where participants can win prizes by beating the dealer at various stations. CORBA’s Mark Langton will also be providing a free skills clinic prior to the poker rides.

Also at the event will be activities for the whole family including a climbing wall, nature walks, kids XTERRA 1-mile fun run, yoga classes, and a fitness expo.

Also taking place during the event are  the XTERRA 22K and 6K trail runs. Proceeds from the event go to the Malibu Creek Docents to support Malibu Creek State Park. For more information go to

April Skills Clinic photos published Saturday, April 5

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

The April 2014 Skills Clinic Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park, on a sunny but cool day, was made up of 25 riders. There was a small amount of water in the stream crossing this month, but we didn’t ride across because of the large number of hikers wandering back and forth. Maybe they were looking for tadpoles. So we didn’t get a chance to ride through the stream yet again. You can see the April photos in the April 2014 photo gallery.

February Skills Clinic photos published Sunday, Feb 2

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

The February 2014 Skills Clinic Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park on a sunny but very cool day. The group was made up of 13 riders. As has been the case for the past year, there was no water in the stream crossing. Hopefully we’ll have some rain before next month’s class so people will get to ride across a stream. You can see the February photos in the February 2014 photo gallery.

January Skills Clinic photos published Saturday, Jan 4

Saturday, January 4th, 2014

The first Skills Clinic Skills Clinic of 2014 took place today at Malibu Creek State Park under a sunny but slightly cool sky. The group was made up of 19 riders and one patient young woman who waited as her son completed the class on her bike. You can see the photos in the January 2014 photo gallery.

November Skills Clinic photos published Saturday, Nov 2

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

The photos from the November 2nd Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park have just been posted on this website. The group today was the typical size, about 23, and we had perfect weather. You can see them in the November 2013 photo gallery.

October Skills Clinic photos published Saturday, Oct 5

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

The photos from the October 5th Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park have just been posted on this website. We had a small group today of only eight, contending with the occasion gust of wind and the hordes of people who were there for a 10K trail run. You can see them in the October 2013 photo gallery.

September Skills Clinic photos published Monday, Sept 9, 2013

Monday, September 9th, 2013

The photos from the September 7th Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park have just been posted on this website. Eight participants braved a very hot day to improve their skills. You can see them in the September 2013 photo gallery.

August Skills Clinic photos published

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

The photos from the August 3rd Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park have just been posted on this website. Thre were 29 riders today on a lovely day for riding. You can see them in the August 2013 photo gallery.

July Skills Clinic photos published

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

The photos from the July 6th Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park have just been posted on this website. Mark was on his own this month because both Ezra (Mark’s regular assistant and MBU volunteer) and Steve (normally reliable photographer) were out of town, so in addition to his normal teaching duties, Mark took photos when he could. It looks like there was quite a large class, about 30-35 participants, based on the first photo. You can see them all in the July 2013 photo gallery.