Archive for the ‘Regions’ Category

State Restoration of Rogers Road Underway

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

As reported in the Topanga Messenger and several other news sources, and announced by CORBA last year, work has been progressing along the Rogers Road section of the Backbone Trail. The trail had become severely eroded, narrow and overgrown, to where concerns for safety and sustainability of the trail had been raised by State Parks.

Rogers Road

Congressman Brad Sherman last week announced that funds had been secured by him for trail improvements along the Backbone Trail. We are seeing the results of that funding, as State Parks have hired additional staff for the project and have been working hard on Rogers Road.

Trail crews have been camping in “spike camps” to save time hiking in and out of work sites. They typically spend 3 – 5 days doing trailwork based out of the camp. The most recent spike camp ended on Tuesday, August 28. CORBA’s Steve Messer joined the crew for the last day of their camp, as they cut back brush along the trail in sweltering heat.

The trail has been extensively brushed, with tread and drainage work being done by machine. Ruts have been flattened and drainage has been restored and improved.  As with any such restoration work, the trail now looks smooth and raw, but longer term prospects are looking good for this section of the Backbone trail.  After some time to pack down and a spring growing season Rogers Road should be back to the flowy singletrack we all love, but without the constant scratching of brush, and threat of ruts and dropoffs hidden from view by overgrown grasses.

State parks trail crew

Crews have completed work from Temescal Ridge fire road to approximately .9 miles above the Chicken Ridge bridge.  Another spike camp is expected late October to continue work on the trail.

We appreciate State Parks efforts, and Congressman Sherman’s recognition of the importance of the Backbone Trail to all trail users.

Donation Stations Installed at Trailheads September 2012

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Donation boxes and info kiosks have been installed at the PCH entrances to Sycamore and  and La Jolla Canyons, and at Chumash trail head. We have been informed that any and all donations collected at these stations will go directly to trail maintenance and resource projects in the state park where the money was collected. The kiosks will allow volunteer partners (such as CORBA) to post information about upcoming events and other general information.

Newly installed donation station and info kiosk at Sycamore Canyon entrance to Point Mugu State Park.

GIRLZ GONE RIDING, a Ladies’ Day of Mountain Biking, is Oct 28

Monday, August 27th, 2012

GIRLZ GONE RIDING is inviting all you ladies out there to a very special day of mountain biking on Sunday, October 28th at 8am at Malibu Creek State Park.

This FREE event is open to ALL LEVELS of riders. The day includes a mini clinic for beginner riders, 3 levels of cross country rides, goodie bags, tech support by Cycle World, raffles, a CORBA/IMBA membership drive, swap meet and more!

Beginner ladies, you will be welcomed with open arms! Take the mini clinic then go hit the trails with our GGR ride leaders! Just coming off an injury? Come and get yourself going again, along with a lot of others! Find other women that have the same schedule so you can ride together! Interested in racing? We will have Pro’s there to tell you all about it! You will meet other women to ride with, share your stories, network, get info and just INSPIRE each other!

CYCLE WORLD is the GGR’s official tech support team for the 2nd time! They will be available for light repairs and adjustments you may need for your bike BEFORE AND AFTER the ride! So… if you need something adjusted, be at the park at 8am and go see CYCLE WORLD for your bike adjustments. Their service’s are free, but please tip them for their hard work! They spend the day working on our bikes THEN come out on the trails and support us while we ride too!

After your ride, enjoy lunch, bring your used stuff to swap or sell at the swap meet, giveaways, inspirational speakers and more!  Please bring your own picnic lunch, drinks. Heed and water will be provided. Please bring your own water bottle for water. Chairs or blankets are also encouraged. Picnic benches are limited.



We look forward to meeting and riding with all of you fabulous ladies very soon!



Cycle World open for Bike adjustments and picking up your demos


Registration: All riders MUST check in, sign a waiver. Registration will hand out raffle tickets, name tags and point riders to the goodie bag table to help themselves. Registration will remind everyone that every rider MUST check BACK in at the sign up table.

8:30amish: Welcome by the GGR committee and introduce ride leaders

8:45amish:Group photos

9:00amish: PRE RIDE Inspirational quick speech by Christine Hirst

9:15amish: Advanced and Intermediate rides start.

9:15amish: Beginner Mini Clinic starts: clinic is about 1.5 hours, then riders go out on the trails

1pmish: Meet BACK in Park and SIGN BACK IN AT CORBA BOOTH


1:30pmish: Lunch, swap meet, guest Speakers, raffle

3:30pmish Closing notes and THANK ALL SUPPORTERS


LA County Trail Plan Public Hearing for NW San Fernando Valley, Aug 30

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Sapphos Environmental, Inc. is sending this e-mail on behalf of the County of Los Angeles (County) Department of Parks and Recreation to inform community members of the proposed Northwest San Fernando Valley Area Trail Plan including Rim of the Valley (proposed project). The intent of the County is to develop a trail plan for trails to guide future trail development to meet needs in the Northwest San Fernando Valley Area. Currently, the study area consists broadly of the unincorporated territory of the County bounded by the Ventura County line on the west, the Santa Susana Mountains (Johnson Motorway Trail, Rim of the Valley Trail, Oat Mountain Motorway Trail, and Weldon Canyon Trail) to the north, Interstate 5 to the east, and Roscoe Boulevard to the south, with provisions for connections to other nearby existing and planned recreational resources. The overall work effort would include a trail plan and associated California Environmental Quality Act documentation. The County is currently in the early development stages of the proposed project.

The County will hold a public outreach meeting to engage trail users and the surrounding communities and solicit ideas for the trail plan. The public outreach meeting is scheduled for:

Northwest San Fernando Valley Area Trail Plan including Rim of the Valley Public Outreach Meeting
Thursday, August 30, 2012
6:00 pm
Granada Room
Knollwood Country Club
12024 Balboa Blvd.
Granada Hills, CA 91344  
Please reply to this e-mail to indicate whether you are interested in receiving further updates on the proposed project and related meetings, or if you prefer to be removed from the contact list. If you are interested, please state in the e-mail whether you would be available for the scheduled public outreach meeting on Thursday August 30, 2012 at 6:00 p.m., and provide the following information:·        Name
·        Affiliation (trail group, etc.)
·        Area of interest (hiking, biking, equestrian, etc.)
·        Current e-mail address (if applicable)
·        E-mail addresses of other potentially interested parties you may know

Thank you for your time. Should you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. Lorrie Bradley at or (213) 738-2812.



Leanna Guillermo

Skills Clinic Photos for August 4, 2012

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

What a turnout today – 43 riders! That’s as large a group as we’ve seen in probably several years. It was another beautiful day to be riding in Malibu Creek State Park to participate in this month’s basic skills clinic. Because of the large group, all the exercises took longer than usual, so this month we skipped the steps. You can see the photos in the August Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

It has come to our attention through dialogue with representatives from National Park Service that over the last few months there have been several incidents involving cyclists traversing the trails unsafely. It has gotten to the point that rangers will now be stepping up their patrols and being more proactive in citing cyclists who they deem to be endangering the safety of themselves and other trail users. The following information was provided to us from the National Park Service (NPS) and would be enforced in such areas as Cheeseboro Canyon and the Backbone Trail. State Parks will likely begin increasing patrols in Pt. Mugu State Park as it is also an area of increased unsafe incidents.

In NPS property, citations would be issued under 36 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations); 36 CFR 4.2(b) dictates that NPS adopt California State law for vehicles and traffic safety. California code 4.30(c) states that bicycles are under vehicles and traffic safety regulations:

 36 CFR 4.22 (b) (1) Operating a motor vehicle without due care or at a speed greater than that which is reasonable and prudent considering wildlife, traffic, weather, road and light conditions and road character. ($350 plus $25 processing fee or mandatory appearance)

 36 CFR 4.22 (b) (2) Operating a motor vehicle in a manner which unnecessarily causes its tires to squeal, skid or break free of the road surface. ($150 plus a $25 processing fee)

36 CFR 4.22 (b) (3) Failing to maintain that degree of control of a motor vehicle necessary to avoid danger to persons, property or wildlife (Mandatory appearance).



COSCA Annual Trailwork Day Oct 20th

Friday, July 27th, 2012

Come out and join the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA), CORBA, the Santa Monica Trails Council and other volunteers for the 22nd Annual COSCA Trailwork Day. We will be working on new trails in the Conejo Canyons Open Space (aka Western Plateau).

COSCA will treat participants to lunch afterwards and have a drawing for some great door prizes, including CST tires contributed by CORBA.

For full details and to register, see our registration page. We hope to see a good turnout of local mountain bikers at this event!

Mesa Peak Backbone Singletrack Trailwork Sept 15

Friday, July 27th, 2012

Come out to help us fix up the singletrack at the bottom of Mesa Peak Motorway on September 15th! We’ll be removing some overgrowing bushes and fixing major ruts at the bottom of the trail.

CORBA will treat participants to lunch afterwards and provide some great mountain biking prizes, including CST tires.

For full details and to register, see our registration page. We hope to see a good turnout of local mountain bikers at this event!

Send your comments: Open the Canyon Trail, Reconsider the Heritage Trail

Monday, July 16th, 2012

On June 26, Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation released the draft reports on the Canyon Trail in Placerita Canyon Natural Area and the Heritage Trail in Vasquez Rocks Natural Area.  Those reports were the result of petitions signed by hundreds of people who wanted to see these trails opened to bicycles. The Canyon Trail was especially important, as it provides extensive connectivity to other trails in that are open to bicycles, and cyclists had been using the trail for four years without incident, because of an incorrectly placed multi-use sign.

At the first meeting held by the County, over 90% of the 90 or so attendees were mountain bikers. It was clear that this was an important issue, and the newly formed SCV Trail Users rallied local support. On July 12, 2012 the second meeting took place. This time about 200 were in attendance, with a little under half being mountain bikers.

The draft reports recommended that the Canyon Trail be opened to bicycles, after modifications to improve safety. These modifications include the installation of pinch points, additional signage, a posted speed limit, and the application of a “walk zone” close to the nature center, where docent-led interpretive nature hikes are often held.

Only one official County trail exists among all these at Vasquez Rocks

Only one official County trail exists among all these at Vasquez Rocks

Vasquez Rocks Natural Area has two named trails, the Pacific Crest Trail (closed to bikes), and the Heritage trail, a half-mile trail connecting the two parking lots in the park. What we learned at the public meeting last Thursday was that the Heritage trail is the only County trail within the park. The extensive network of trails are all unofficial “social” trails, and as such, could not be considered for opening to bikes. Primarily because the Heritage trail does not connect to any other official trail, and there is a dirt road alternative, the recommendation was to keep the trail closed to bikes.

CORBA has put together our comments on the two proposals, available after the page break. We encourage everyone to send a quick email to, stating:

Thanks to the County for considering opening the Canyon and Heritage trails to bicycles. We fully support the opening of Canyon Trail to bicycles. We’d like to see the recommended safety modifications prioritized and installed as soon as possible, so that bicycles can return to the Canyon trail. Opening of the Canyon trail to bicycles should not be made contingent upon the completion of the other recommended improvements to the trail.

We’d also like to see the Heritage trail re-considered for bicycle access, taking into account the potential for future routes as the numerous social trails are either rehabilitated or brought up to County multi-use standards and made official trails.

Comments are only being accepted until July 19, so don’t wait. The final decision will be made by the County Board of Supervisors. The more emails and letters of support they receive, the better our chances of having the County move forward on the recommendations and open the Canyon trail to bicycles.




City of Glendale Trail Safety Patrol Program

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

The City of Glendale is looking to get more eyes and ears on its trails through the new Trail Safety Patrol program. The program will be similar to the volunteer patrols conducted by the Mountain Bike Unit (MBU) in the Santa Monica Mountains and elsewhere, except they are looking to enlist volunteers from both the hiking and mountain biking communities.  News about the program emerged recently through a story on the L.A. Times blog.

Mountain bike patrol applicants will be required to attend CORBA’s free skills clinic, while hikers must be able to hike Brand Motorway in under 2.5 hours. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, in good physical health with a letter from a physician indicating you are capable of participating in the program. A background check and registration as an official City of Glendale volunteer will also be required.

A more complete description of the roles and responsibilities of the Trail Safety Patrol program can be found on the City of Glendale’s website at:

We encourage anyone who is already riding the Verdugo mountains on a regular basis to consider joining the program. You’ll be helping keep the trails safer for everyone, and will be good will ambassadors of the mountain biking community as a whole.

The Trail Safety program is being developed by the City’s Community Services and Parks department. Volunteer training is expected to get underway in August.  If you’d like to be notified when the program is ready to accept applications, please email Marc Stirdivant at and the City’s Volunteer Coordinator, Iris Hidalgo, at  Include your name, address, phone number, summary of your experience as a hiker or mountain bikers, and why you’d like to be a member of the patrol. Volunteer patrollers will be expected to spend a minimum of four hours per month on patrol. If you’re already riding the Verdugo mountains regularly, it will be easy to meet the requirements.