Archive for the ‘Regions’ Category

Economics and Benefits of Mountain Biking

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

March 5, 2008
(updated March 14, 2008)

IRVINE, Calif. — Enjoying the outdoors is as natural as riding a bike and Shimano American Corporation and the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) have teamed up to promote how important the activity is. Shimano is a major manufacturer of bicycle components and IMBA is a national advocate for responsible riding and trail construction. Together they are releasing the new document, The Economics and Benefits of Mountain Biking at the National Bike Summit in Washington D.C. March 4 – 6, 2008.

More than 1 in 5 Americans age 16 and over ride a mountain bike, and contribute $26 billion annually to the American economy while enjoying the sport. Kozo Shimano said, “We want legislators, policy makers and the public to understand how significant mountain biking is to both the economy and to keeping people healthy.” One recent cost benefit analysis concluded that every dollar invested in trails led to almost three dollars in direct medical benefit. The World Health Organization recommends riding a bike to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Mountain bikers are also dedicated conservationists who volunteer their time, labor and money to protect the natural and cultural resources where they ride. IMBA Executive Director Mike Van Abel commented, “From the beginning, IMBA members have embraced a stewardship ethic that benefits conservation of our natural lands and waters. This timely publication shows how that conservation mindset also gives back with economic benefits.”

Scientific research has shown mountain biking to be a low impact environmentally sustainable activity with no more impact on natural resources than hiking, and far less than many other recreational activities.

Kozo Shimano added, “To put the activity in perspective, 50 million Americans ride a mountain bike – more than 1 ½ times the number of people who play golf. “

Copies of The Economics and Benefits of Mountain Biking can be obtained from IMBA by sending a request to

March 14, 2008: You can view the report by clicking this link: The Economics and Benefits of Mountain Biking


City of Los Angeles Bicycle Master Plan Meetings

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

March 3, 2008

In late February-early March, the City of LA held a series of meetings to discuss the 2008 Bicycle Master Plan update.

The meetings were very informative and it appears that the City of L.A. is doing things the right way.  One great thing we learned is that the new plan will include off-road bicycling and two meetings in June and August (dates TBA) will be held for feedback on off-road access and issues on City properties.

A brief introduction was followed by a fairly thorough Powerpoint presentation outlining some of the challenges and options the City is facing/considering. Alta Design is the group doing the plan. Their staff includes riders and bike commuters, cyclocross racers, and urban planners, with some big city planning projects already under their belt.

The room was lined with easels outlining the major goals of the plan, along with excerpts from other successful city bicycling plans from around the world that are being considered for inclusion.  There was also a map outlining the current draft proposals, which looked promising. Many of the existing bike paths to nowhere are shown as being linked to other arterial routes and bike paths, along with many new class II (bike lane) routes, and class I (bike path) routes.

The maps and all the information are available at Please take the Bicycle survey to provide input ASAP.  They also link through to and suggest people create routes and submit them with comments and suggestions for improvements. If there’s a route you ride or would like to ride, go ahead and get it considered.  They’re taking feedback for the next six weeks or so, and will then be out in the field taking measurements and doing traffic studies.

The plan is due for completion early next year, but of course, then it all comes down to funding.  So if you live in, ride in, or commute in L.A., it’s worth seeing the proposals and making sure your needs are covered.

We’ll definitely be attending the off-road meetings in June and August where we’ll likely face a barrage of opposition from Griffith Park equestrians…so a show of numbers is going to be helfpul.

Truce Called in Palos Verdes Trails Controversy

Monday, February 25th, 2008

February 25, 2008
From The Daily Breeze Online
By Josh Grossberg, Staff Writer

Horse enthusiasts and bicycle fans are going to have to learn to get along – or at least tolerate each other – under a plan approved Saturday by the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council.

After hearing from nearly a hundred speakers during a daylong session, the council voted 4-1 to reopen the 420-acre Canyons Ecological Reserve to both four-legged animals and two-wheeled conveyances, with only Councilman Peter Gardiner voting against the proposal.

When the trails will open, however, remains in question.

First, trail signs must be posted, educational material prepared and an enforcement plan put in place. It could be months before any of that happens.

And another thing: The park isn’t called Canyons Ecological Reserve anymore. Earlier in the day, council members voted to change the name to the Portuguese Bend Reserve. They also agreed to change the city’s entire 11,000-acre chain of wilderness areas from the Portuguese Bend Nature Preserve to the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve to avoid any confusion for visitors.

“The minute you step into Torrance, nobody’s heard of it,” Councilman Tom Long said of Portuguese Bend.

Four other less controversial trail plans also were approved. With four more to go, the council decided that after nine hours of discussions it had had enough and voted to postpone further talks until next month.

So many people showed up to the meeting at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center that a television had to be set up outside, and people watched under a steady late-afternoon drizzle.

Although the council conceded that adjustments will probably have to be made, the new plan calls for horse riders and bicyclists to share many of the winding trails.

Other paths can be used by horses, but not bikes. Bikes can use some, but not horses. And hikers get to use all of them.

“We should open it up to all users, provided it’s safe,” Gardiner said.

The majority of the speakers were horse riders who said that while most bicyclists are courteous, many ride down hills too fast, take turns dangerously and generally spook the horses. They also complained that bicycles are eroding the terrain and destroying plants.

“They do what they want when they want,” one speaker said.

It was a refrain heard dozens of times during the day. Horseback riders acknowledged that bike riders had a right to enjoy their hobby. They should just do it somewhere else.

“The only part of nature they enjoy is gravity,” said Rancho Palos Verdes resident Judy Herman.

But bike riders said that while there will always be reckless people, most of them are well-behaved.

“There will always be people who don’t follow the rules,” said Rancho Palos Verdes resident George Hicks. “Embrace the responsible user.”

In the end, most people seemed satisfied with the truce – at least for now. And as Mayor Doug Stern reminded everybody more than once, figuring out how to share such a beautiful piece of real estate isn’t exactly the biggest problem in the world.

“This is a wonderful position to be in,” he said. “You all go out victors no matter what.”

Palos Verdes Trails Access

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Feb 19, 2008

Your presence is urgently needed Saturday Feb 23rd, 2008
Rancho Palos Verdes City Council to Decide Trails Uses
This will be your last opportunity to express your views on the trails plan

Where: Point Vicente Interpretive Center Community Room located at 31501 Palos Verdes Drive West (Map)
When: Saturday Feb 23rd 9:30 AM meeting may last all day. Here is the suggested schedule.
Council will review and consider the Public Use Master Plan (PUMP) Committee’s recommended Trails Plan.

● View PUMP Committee trail recommendations for all reserves here.
● View CORBA PV trail recommendations for all reserves here.

You can view the full Planning Commission Staff Report with maps, minutes from the PUMP meetings, comments from committee members, and letters from the public.
What other groups recommend – Equestrian 10-3-07 ,  SUN’P Phase II 10-3-07

You can participate by speaking (details on speaking) and /or sending an email to the city council at We encourage RPV residents to voice their views. Email CORBA PV at if you have questions.


  • Please don’t send duplicate emails or petitions, make them original.
  • Keep it positive! No need to rant or complain, just tell them what you feel is a fair plan.
  • For specific trails, use the names on the CORBA PV recommendations.
  • For trails not on the map, try west or east of the closest named trail. There should be a map on display.

Below are some points to consider:

  • Cyclist will stay on designated trails and not build new ones.
  • Cyclists will volunteer to repair damage to trails.
  • The bike community is working to make sure everyone knows the rules.
  • There is no evidence that bike use impacts trails any differently from other users if they stay on designated trails.
  • Cyclists have volunteered for trail work and deserve respect.
  • I’ve volunteered to repair these trails. We deserve to ride them. 
  • Cyclists can control their bikes even on the steepest trail.
  • I’ve never had a bad encounter with hikers or horses.

More information is available from the CORBA Palos Verdes web site.

Stunt High Trail

Friday, February 8th, 2008

Feb 8, 2008

Updated Feb 15, 2008

CORBA has received complaints about irresponsible Mountain Bikers on the Stunt High Trail. The trail is located in Stunt Ranch off of Mulholland Highway a few miles west of Old Topanga Road. This trail runs through Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority (MRCA), Mountains Restoration Trust (MRT) and University of California Reserve land. This trail is used as part of an outdoor education area for young kids to learn about the Native Americans, Plants and Animals.

On 1/27 a group of five riders came down the trail. Four of the five riders were considerate and slowed down as they passed a group of instructors and young kids on the trail. One of the five riders did not slow down at all. The report is that he was out of control and yelled to the group to get out of the way! He nearly missed individuals in the group as he sped passed. After he passed the group he crashed! This apparently was not the first incident like this on this trail. Although this trail has probably been ridden by many riders for years it did not become an issue until this incident. Remember your actions on the trail affect us all!

On Thursday 2/14 we met with the managing authorities for the Stunt High Trail. The outcome of the meeting is not good for Mountain Bikers. The trail will remain closed to Mountain Bike riders! “No Bikes” signs will be installed and MRCA Rangers will patrol and issue tickets to anyone riding the trail! All UC Reserve land is closed to bikes due to its Reserve status. We may have been able to convince the MRT to open their part of the trail to bikes but it is such a small section of the upper trail that it would not have meant much. Other options such as a reroute around the reserve or a new trail in the area were also discussed. A reroute around the reserve will not work due to private property outside of the Reserve land and steep rugged terrain.

Please only ride on trails that are open to bikes. Always control your speed and your bike. Scan the trail ahead for other trail users and animals. Use a bell to alert others of your presence! Bicyclists yield to hikers and horses.

California State Parks Budget Crisis Threatens Mountain Bike Access

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Jan 27, 2008

Governor Schwarzenegger’s plan to combat California’s projected budget crisis includes across-the-board program reductions, including many cuts to the state parks department. The new proposal would close 48 parks, including popular destinations like Henry Coe and Topanga Canyon.

California State Parks has been victim to several significant budget reductions in past years and the new plan would seriously imperil the agency’s ability to serve Californians, including more than five million mountain bikers.

Take Action! Send a message to the governor and your representatives!

Tell the Governor and your state legislators that these proposed closures are unacceptable.

Why the Governor Should Spare State Parks

Millions of Californians rely on State Parks for their main source of recreation. At a time when health and obesity are major issues for California citizens, parks are a viable resource that contributes to mental and physical health.

The California State Park System is one of the best in the nation. The proposed budget cuts, on top of significant past reductions, will further jeopardize stewardship of the state’s precious natural and cultural resources.

In comparison to other departments, State Parks has an extremely small budget and therefore a reduced capacity to absorb cuts. The Governor’s plan calls for a $13.3 million reduction, but this will close 48 parks and reduce seasonal staff hours by 50 percent.

City of Glendale Trails Master Planning

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

January 10, 2008

The City of Glendale has approved its Trails Master Plan. The City of Glendale covers part of the the east end of the Verdugo Hills, The west end of the San Rafael Hills and all of Deukmejian Wilderness Park.

CORBA has been and will remain involved in this planning process.

The Trails Master Plan was presented to the Glendale Parks and Recreation Department on November 7 and to the City Council a few weeks later.

Funding for the varius projects will need to be obtained. The proposal includes a Mountain Bike Skills park and several new trails.

Mountain Biker Input Results

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

December 12, 2007

Should mountain bikes be allowed on trails or do such bikes do too much harm to the environment? That was the question asked by the South Bay Daily Breeze. 17 of the 20 letters printed were in favor of Mountain Bikes on the trails. See the following link:

Palos Verdes

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

November 7, 2007

CORBA has a very active group working on the trail access issues in Palos Verdes.  Please see our separate site that is dedicated to the Palos Verdes area.

CORBA Palos Verdes Home

Call to Action: Sycamore BMX Bicycle Park to be sold

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

October 18, 2007

HOW TO LEARN MORE The R.S.R.P.D. has contracted with Hogle-Ireland Consultants to post a Sinaloa Park website to inform the community and to receive input as to “What’s Wanted in Simi Valley” We encourage you to check the website to get “involved”, understand the proposed project and give thought to fully evaulate the impact that will be imposed on Simi Valley and the Citizens of this community . . . Also see: