Archive for the ‘Rides and Events’ Category

Fundraiser Event at Newbury Park Bicycle Shop 2/24/12

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

CORBA’s first in a series of in-store fundraisers takes place Friday night February 24 at Newbury Park Bicycle Shop in Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks). On this weekend there will also be a trail work day at Guadalasca Trail in Pt. Mugu State Park on Saturday, and group rides led by North Ranch Mountain Bikers in Pt. Mugu State Park on Sunday (see ride details below).



Sunday, February 26: CORBA Intermediate Ride.   This is our regular Space Mountain – Rosewood ride except we start in the middle. It’s a fun loop ride with lots of singletrack and switchbacks for your biking enjoyment. We start with a brief road ride from the bike shop to the trail by the house with the model train in the front yard. After the whoop-de-doo trail, we’ll loop back around through the normal starting point for a singletrack climb up Space Mountain. Then we’ll continue along the Los Robles Trail to the “Lookout” and take a break at the picnic table. Then it’s time to catch some thrills as we make our way down the Rosewood Singletrack to Lynn Road. After a short jaunt on pavement we are back to the bike shop where we started.

Total distance is 9.3 miles with 1600′ of climbing, rated at E3 – T3. Time: 7:45 am. Organizer: Randy

Directions:   The ride starts at Newbury Bike Shop, 1560 Newbury Rd # 6, Newbury Park, CA 91320. Exit the 101 Freeway at Ventu Park Rd in Newbury Park, turning south. Take the first right onto Newbury Road, following it around 0.3 miles. Turn left into the strip mall; the bike shop is behind In ‘n Out Burgers.

Sunday, February 26: CORBA Advanced Ride.   This is one of our regular and favorite rides, plus a few road and trail miles to get from the bike shop to the normal start point. From the bike shop, we ride 2.4 miles on the road to the Felton Street access to the Los Robles Trail, which we ride to the regular start point at Wendy and Potrero. From here we’re on the regular ride, starting off on the connector trail that leads to Big Sycamore Canyon Road. We’ll descend down into the canyon and take Sin Nombre over to Sage and make the climb up to the water tower. From here it’s a fast and fun decent down Wood Canyon. Then it’s another climb up to the top via Guadalasca. We’ll ride the fireroad over to Backbone and enjoy another great descent. After a short jaunt on Two Foxes we’ll head up the main fireroad and climb up the dreaded asphalt hill. From the top it’s back to Los Robles Trail, then a road ride from Felton Street to the bike shop.

Total distance is 28 miles with 4000’ of climbing, rated at E4 – T3.5. Time: 7:45 am. Organizer: Jonathan

Directions:   The ride starts at Newbury Bike Shop, 1560 Newbury Rd # 6, Newbury Park, CA 91320. Exit the 101 Freeway at Ventu Park Rd in Newbury Park, turning south. Take the first right onto Newbury Road, following it around 0.3 miles. Turn left into the strip mall; the bike shop is behind In ‘n Out Burgers.

Get The Green Photo Contest: Deadline March 14

Thursday, January 26th, 2012


Click here for the Get the Green website.

If you’re 13-18 years old and living in the L.A. Metro Area, this is your gig!
(L.A. Metro Area = Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Venutra & Riverside counties)

–> Take photos & videos of YOURSELF in NATURE
–> Get ideas of outdoor activities you can do in nature.
–> Enter your photos & videos on
–> Win prizes!

  •  Because nature & the environment are the core essence of life.
  • It’s time we get outdoors to enjoy our lands and really get to know what’s around us.
  • We have mad respect for the environment.
  • Our trees, parks, gardens, rivers, beaches and forests are our #1 sources of clean water, clean air and so much more.
  • It’s up to US to protect nature & the environment. If we don’t protect it, who will?

Checkout the 3 Prize Categories (below and on the right). Submit multiple photo & video entries of YOURSELF doing outdoor activities in nature to win! But submit only one (1) entry per type of outdoor activity (not 30 pictures of you hiking or picnicking; 1 photo or video of each activity will do the trick!).

1. Judges’ Award (4 winners): Make the most inspirational and powerful photos & videos of experiences in nature to win the big prize – $300 and aNovara bike, plus a smart rider helmet and lock!  Two (2) follow-up entries will win an educational award of $200, an REI Urban Traveler Daypack (value $89.50) and a $50 REI gift certificate.

2. Top Points (5 winners): Accumulate points each time yousubmit an entry with YOURSELF visible in the photos or videos! Top 5 people with the most points get $60 and an REI daypack!

– 1 point per photo
– 3 points per video (20 seconds minimum to 5 minutes maximum)
– 2 extra points for every adult family member you include
in the photo/video (with you in the picture too, of course)!
– 2 extra points if your video is bilingual (English & another language)!

Don’t forget: *YOU* have to be in the photo/video to be eligible for prizes.

entering January 18th.
Cutoff deadline is March 14th.
Big wins announced March 16th!!

January 7th 2012 Skills Clinic Photos

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

We had a small class today with only 8 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park. The cooler months are a good time to take the class because the lower attendence means you get more attention! The pool of water in the creek was pretty deep today so we had some good splashes. You can see all the photos in the January Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

2012: CORBA Turns 25

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

By Mark Langton

As we look forward to our 25th anniversary in August, we of course have to look back at 2011. It was both a year of growth and important transition.

  • CORBA became a chapter of the International Mountain Bicycle Association (IMBA). As a founding member of IMBA, CORBA saw the value of partnering with IMBA’s strength and reach to gain even more members and raise awareness of the ongoing goals of shared use trails in greater Los Angeles and Eastern Ventura Counties. Already we have seen an influx of new members.
  • California State Parks “change in use” process finally began after several years of non-compliance. CORBA’s efforts to make sure this process was fulfilled was and will be unwavering. Currently the Yearling/Lookout Trail conversion/realignment in Malibu Creek State Park is undergoing review and work could begin as soon as this summer. Our blog article discusses this process further.
  • CORBA established regular quarterly meetings with both State Park and National Park Service officials. These meetings have garnered a new and improved level of communication and cooperation.
  • CORBA went from a single-day fundraising event (Fat Tire Festival) to several smaller events which involved some of our local bike shop supporters, as well as the Fat Tire Fun(d)raiser, a scaled down version of the festival that focused more on riding than “festivaling”. If you know of a local bike shop that would like to host a fundraising event in their store, please send me an email at
  • Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA) Superintendent Woody Smeck accepted the position of Deputy Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. (Read our blog article on Woody.) While this transition is yet to be complete, we can assure you of one thing; the new superintendent will need to be educated as to the significance and importance of mountain biking in the SMMNRA, and how intertwined mountain bikers are within the trail community. While it is likely the new superintendent will be responsive to the mountain bike community, we’ve seen over the years that different individuals come with their own sensibilities and it is sometimes the case that those sensibilities do not always align with the previous administrator’s positions.
  • State Parks implemented a more comprehensive volunteer trail work training program, requiring a greater level of commitment. CORBA members Steve Messer and Steve Clark stepped up and completed the training, enabling us to move forward with much needed trail improvement projects. In 2011 CORBA contributed significantly to trail work and maintenance in the SMMNRA, Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA), City of Glendale, and the Angeles National Forest (enhanced greatly through a grant from REI).
  • In addition to our Youth Adventures Program, which ran 19 outings at Malibu Creek State Park and Paramount Ranch and served dozens of at-risk youth, CORBA introduced the Kids Club, and thanks to a dedicated and passionate group of mountain biking parents, regularly scheduled monthly rides took place and introduced mountain biking to a whole new generation of mountain bikers.
  • This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the free Introduction to Mountain Bike Skills class. Last year saw the best turnout ever with a total of 300 participants, which included two special classes provided to the Mountain Bike Unit (MBU). In fact, the MBU has made the class mandatory for all new members.

Even with a quarter century of advocacy under our collective belts, there is still much to be done. Consider this: There are many miles of singletrack trails closed to bicycles in the SMMNRA, trails that are exactly the same as ones that are open to bicycles. As State Parks moves forward with their trail conversion process (a painfully slow one at that), we must be diligent and ensure that they stay the course.

And of course I sill implore everyone to simply slow down for other users. The primary complaint about mountain bikes on trails is that “they go too fast and scare us.” If you slow to other users’ speed on the trail, you remove the one justifiable complaint about mountain bikers. It’s easy to slow down, and it makes the situation more pleasant for everyone involved—a true win/win situation!

CORBA Kids Club’s Sullivan Canyon Ride

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

A small but enthusiastic group rode Sullivan Canyon on Saturday December 3rd.  Dave and Nolan, Kat and Josiah, and John and Ethan met in Brentwood,  where the weather was cool and the winds were calm.  Dave gave everybody a brief overview of the trail ahead, stressing the importance of speed control down the first paved hill. 

The group rode the gradual incline for about 2 miles, some choosing to walk rather than ride over the concrete waffle blocks that dot the area.  A downed tree blocked the rest of the trail at about 2 and 1/2 miles in, so the group took that as a sign to take a break, have a snack and explore the area.  Kat found a small bit of California Sage, and introduced the boys to what some hikers call “Cowboy Cologne.”  The boys pretended to be characters from Star Wars, and then Kat pointed out the large leaves on the trail, which were bigger than most of their faces.

The ride back took about 15 minutes because it was all downhill, followed by one challenging paved uphill back to the cars.  Check out the photo gallery of the ride, and you can also see the downed tree.   Because it was a small group and everybody enjoyed the location so much, we’ll be back at Sullivan Canyon on January 7th, and we hope to see more of you there!  Meet on the Brentwood side:

Bookmark It

December 3, 2011 Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

We had 39 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic, including about 30 riders from the SoCal High School Cycling League, at Malibu Creek State Park. This may be a record attendance! There was a pool of water in the creek so we had some good splashes. You can see all the photos in the December Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

December eTerraTimes published December 1

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

The December edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes, was published today, November 4. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online.

As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.

CORBA Turns 25 In 2012

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

By Mark Langton

Mark Langton: Riding bikes in the dirt since 1969

August of 2012 will mark the official 25th anniversary of CORBA. In the coming months we will be announcing several ways in which you can help us celebrate. We’ll also be giving you a detailed accounting of what CORBA has achieved for the open space trails in Los Angeles and eastern Ventura Counties and contributed to the mountain bike community.

We’d love to hear from you who have stories about your involvement with CORBA, old or new. Photos are most welcome! Please send your contributions to me at Happy Holidays!

Photos from the Fat Tire Fun(d)raiser are available

Monday, November 14th, 2011

 Thanks to the volunteers who contributed photos: Steve Clark, Claudia Mitchell, Steve Messer, Wendy Engleberg, and a special thanks to Xandei Tena who paid to attend but spent most of the day taking photos for CORBA!

There are multiple pictures of all riders, arranged randomly, so you can look through all 20 pages of thumbnails to find photos of yourself and your friends!

November 5, 2011 Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, November 6th, 2011

We had 20 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park with cool temperatures under a cloudless sky. There was no water in the creek even though it rained a little the day before – everybody rode across in both directions! You can see all the photos in the November Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.