Archive for the ‘Rides and Events’ Category

Mesa Peak Singletrack Trailwork Report and Photos

Monday, September 17th, 2012

On Saturday morning, September 15, fifteen volunteers from the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council trail crew, Calabasas Day Hikers Meetup group and CORBA gathered in the parking area at the bottom of the Mesa Peak Motorway singletrack, a segment of the Backbone Trail in Malibu Creek State Park. We had learned the evening before that possibly hundreds of road cyclists and onlookers would be gathering at the corner of Piuma and Malibu Canyon Roads for the annual LaGrange Piuma Hill Climb. This was less than 1/4 mile away, and we could envision all the parking being taken up by this group, but as it turned out, there was just enough parking for the trailwork volunteers.

Looking at the huge rut and planning how to fix it.

Our job for the day was to fix an extremely serious rut near the trailhead, clean out existing drainages and install new ones to prevent further water damage and rutting, and cut back several years of overgrowing brush.

The challenge of the work would be compounded by temperatures expect to reach just over 100 degrees. Fortunately 90% of the work was in the shade. Also, CORBA provided lots of water for those who ran short, and two of us had mist bottles to spray down coworkers from time to time.

The rut is filled in and the surface is smooth, but very loose

The Trails Council crew did most of the the treadwork, filling in the huge rut much more quickly than I had expected, then going on to clean out old or build new drainages. These drainages are critical to preserving the trail by shunting the water off the side, so it doesn’t run down the middle of the trail and cause further errosion and huge ruts.

Meanwhile, the CORBA and Calabasas Day Hiker volunteers mostly grabbed loppers and saws and went to work on the overgrowth. The brush to be removed had previously been marked with bright orange surveyor’s tape. After cutting down the brush, the tape was removed and pocketed, then the clippings were tossed over the edge, hidden from view of the trail as much as possible. We took off the orange plastic tape because it would become trash on the hillsides as the clippings slowly decomposed.

Remove the cuttings of overgrown brush

We finished up the workday about an hour earlier than planned because of the temperature. Besides, we had already accomplished almost everything that could be done.

CORBA volunteers selected a mtn bike tire, courtesy of IMBA and CST, as a reward for all their diligent work. Then CORBA treated the CORBA and Calabasas Day Hiker volunteers to lunch at the Urbane Cafe to further show our appreciation. (The Trails Council crew packs their own lunch and eat it on the trail in the middle of the workday.)

CORBA volunteers show off their new CST tires, courtesy of CST and IMBA

A word of warning: The trail is fairly smooth where we filled in the huge rut, but it is very loose due to the dry conditions. Be careful when riding through this section! The loose dirt extends down at least a foot, and is up to two feet deep where this rut was filled in.

View all the photos in our trailwork photo gallery!

Lunch at the Urbane Cafe

Big Bear Group and USFS Partner for project

Monday, September 17th, 2012

The trails around Big Bear Lake, CA, enjoy a rich mountain biking heritage. Big Bear has played host to several World Championships and has the potential to become an outstanding riding destination for cyclists of all styles and abilities. Over the past few years, the Big Bear Valley Trails Foundation (BBVTF) has grown into a well-known and well-respected group of multi-use, non-motorized trail advocates, with the goal of developing a vibrant trail network in partnership with the San Bernardino National Forest (SBNF).

The current focus of the BBVTF’s work is the Skyline Trail, a planned, 15- to 20-mile network of singletrack to be located on a ridge just to the south of the ski resort. The trail will be designed inside a firebreak and will have options to ride short loops or the entire trail. “The Skyline project stands to become a premiere mountain bike trail network in southern California and within the Western states,” says Patrick Kell, IMBA Southwest Region Director.

Recently, the BBVTF held a showing of the documentary Pedal Driven to a packed audience. The group presented its work and committed $40,000 in cash and in-kind volunteer time to the project. The USFS committed $80,000 to the project. “Our partnership with the trails foundation is the example of how land stewardship is going to happen in the future,” says District Ranger Scott Tangenberg. “It’s the peoples’ forest; they are here to take care of it. I want to facilitate that and encourage their help.”

The work on the Skyline Trail has fostered a positive relationship between the BBVTF and the SBNF that has led to the consideration of the South Shore trail network, including a desire to maximize connectivity of the existing system so it best meets the needs of a variety of trail users. IMBA Trail Solutions will likely be contracted this summer to begin the planning process of the Skyline Trail. Kell hopes to see construction begin as early as late summer.

Copied from IMBA Trail News, Summer 2012

IMBA to Develop Bike Park Book

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Following the success of two previous books about the design, construction and management of mountain bike trails, IMBA has embarked on a new book project. Scheduled for release in 2013, the latest book has the working title Bike Parks: IMBA:s Guide to Creating New-School Riding Facilities.

“There’s a clear need for this information,” says IMBA’s Chris Bernhardt. “As the director of IMBA’s professional trail building services, I know that we have been absolutely swamped with inquiries about bike parks, flow trails and other emerging categories of mountain bike facilities. Our organization’s goal is to support great riding experiences — publishing a book will equip mountain bikers, land managers and others to rapidly advance their projects.”

The bike parks book will provide practical advice and best practices designed for professional land managers, volunteers and recreation providers of all kinds. As with IMBA’s previous titles, both IMBA staff members and a variety of experts from outside the organization will provide the information.

To that end, IMBA seeks well-qualified contributors to write essays on related topics, including:

•    Establishing the vision for a successful park
•    Site selection for small, medium and large bike parks
•    Understanding liability and risk management issues
•    Building realistic budgets and timelines
•    Creating professional renderings, schematics and other vital graphics
•    The importance of landscaping, signage and amenities
•    Finding the best soil and construction materials
•    Designing and building features for all ability levels
•    Fundraising: How much money will we need?

Prospective authors should contact IMBA Communications Director Mark Eller: Most
writing assignments will be compensated. Submissions will be selected, reviewed and edited by IMBA staff.

Copied from IMBA Trail News, Summer 2012

Skills Clinic Photos for September 1, 2012

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

It was a perfect day to be riding in Malibu Creek State Park to participate in this month’s basic skills clinic. This month we had 19 riders, but Mark had to leave early so we skipped a couple of the exercises. If you really want to ride though the dry streambed, you’ll just have to come back next month! You can see the photos in the September Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

GIRLZ GONE RIDING, a Ladies’ Day of Mountain Biking, is Oct 28

Monday, August 27th, 2012

GIRLZ GONE RIDING is inviting all you ladies out there to a very special day of mountain biking on Sunday, October 28th at 8am at Malibu Creek State Park.

This FREE event is open to ALL LEVELS of riders. The day includes a mini clinic for beginner riders, 3 levels of cross country rides, goodie bags, tech support by Cycle World, raffles, a CORBA/IMBA membership drive, swap meet and more!

Beginner ladies, you will be welcomed with open arms! Take the mini clinic then go hit the trails with our GGR ride leaders! Just coming off an injury? Come and get yourself going again, along with a lot of others! Find other women that have the same schedule so you can ride together! Interested in racing? We will have Pro’s there to tell you all about it! You will meet other women to ride with, share your stories, network, get info and just INSPIRE each other!

CYCLE WORLD is the GGR’s official tech support team for the 2nd time! They will be available for light repairs and adjustments you may need for your bike BEFORE AND AFTER the ride! So… if you need something adjusted, be at the park at 8am and go see CYCLE WORLD for your bike adjustments. Their service’s are free, but please tip them for their hard work! They spend the day working on our bikes THEN come out on the trails and support us while we ride too!

After your ride, enjoy lunch, bring your used stuff to swap or sell at the swap meet, giveaways, inspirational speakers and more!  Please bring your own picnic lunch, drinks. Heed and water will be provided. Please bring your own water bottle for water. Chairs or blankets are also encouraged. Picnic benches are limited.



We look forward to meeting and riding with all of you fabulous ladies very soon!



Cycle World open for Bike adjustments and picking up your demos


Registration: All riders MUST check in, sign a waiver. Registration will hand out raffle tickets, name tags and point riders to the goodie bag table to help themselves. Registration will remind everyone that every rider MUST check BACK in at the sign up table.

8:30amish: Welcome by the GGR committee and introduce ride leaders

8:45amish:Group photos

9:00amish: PRE RIDE Inspirational quick speech by Christine Hirst

9:15amish: Advanced and Intermediate rides start.

9:15amish: Beginner Mini Clinic starts: clinic is about 1.5 hours, then riders go out on the trails

1pmish: Meet BACK in Park and SIGN BACK IN AT CORBA BOOTH


1:30pmish: Lunch, swap meet, guest Speakers, raffle

3:30pmish Closing notes and THANK ALL SUPPORTERS


Skills Clinic Photos for August 4, 2012

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

What a turnout today – 43 riders! That’s as large a group as we’ve seen in probably several years. It was another beautiful day to be riding in Malibu Creek State Park to participate in this month’s basic skills clinic. Because of the large group, all the exercises took longer than usual, so this month we skipped the steps. You can see the photos in the August Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

CORBA Kids Club Rides Summer Summary

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Despite many people being out of town during the summer months, the CORBA Kids Club has managed to beat the heat and keep the faith in parent/child mountain biking!  The groups were smaller, but the enjoyment was tops.

An unusually hot spring kept us on the west side of town and current temperatures continue to do so.  June’s ride at Sullivan Canyon, welcomed two new riders; we hope to see them again soon.  A total of 8 riders  and one hiker traversed Sullivan until we hit the downed tree, took a break, and headed back.

July’s ride at Sycamore Canyon welcomed back CORBA Kids Club Co-Founder David Lamon, who was able to ride again following major back surgery.  David had joined us on previous rides as a hiker, but this was his first time back on the bike., and he said it felt great! Two adults and four kids rode 8 miles round trip from the beach, through the Two Foxes trail and back.  The usual water crossings were devoid of water, and this was the first time the kids rode the Two Foxes single track.

We hope you can join us August 4th for another ride in  Sullivan Canyon (Brentwood side)  from 9 a.m. to noon.  Email for more information.

COSCA Annual Trailwork Day Oct 20th

Friday, July 27th, 2012

Come out and join the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA), CORBA, the Santa Monica Trails Council and other volunteers for the 22nd Annual COSCA Trailwork Day. We will be working on new trails in the Conejo Canyons Open Space (aka Western Plateau).

COSCA will treat participants to lunch afterwards and have a drawing for some great door prizes, including CST tires contributed by CORBA.

For full details and to register, see our registration page. We hope to see a good turnout of local mountain bikers at this event!

Mesa Peak Backbone Singletrack Trailwork Sept 15

Friday, July 27th, 2012

Come out to help us fix up the singletrack at the bottom of Mesa Peak Motorway on September 15th! We’ll be removing some overgrowing bushes and fixing major ruts at the bottom of the trail.

CORBA will treat participants to lunch afterwards and provide some great mountain biking prizes, including CST tires.

For full details and to register, see our registration page. We hope to see a good turnout of local mountain bikers at this event!

City of Glendale Trail Safety Patrol Program

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

The City of Glendale is looking to get more eyes and ears on its trails through the new Trail Safety Patrol program. The program will be similar to the volunteer patrols conducted by the Mountain Bike Unit (MBU) in the Santa Monica Mountains and elsewhere, except they are looking to enlist volunteers from both the hiking and mountain biking communities.  News about the program emerged recently through a story on the L.A. Times blog.

Mountain bike patrol applicants will be required to attend CORBA’s free skills clinic, while hikers must be able to hike Brand Motorway in under 2.5 hours. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, in good physical health with a letter from a physician indicating you are capable of participating in the program. A background check and registration as an official City of Glendale volunteer will also be required.

A more complete description of the roles and responsibilities of the Trail Safety Patrol program can be found on the City of Glendale’s website at:

We encourage anyone who is already riding the Verdugo mountains on a regular basis to consider joining the program. You’ll be helping keep the trails safer for everyone, and will be good will ambassadors of the mountain biking community as a whole.

The Trail Safety program is being developed by the City’s Community Services and Parks department. Volunteer training is expected to get underway in August.  If you’d like to be notified when the program is ready to accept applications, please email Marc Stirdivant at and the City’s Volunteer Coordinator, Iris Hidalgo, at  Include your name, address, phone number, summary of your experience as a hiker or mountain bikers, and why you’d like to be a member of the patrol. Volunteer patrollers will be expected to spend a minimum of four hours per month on patrol. If you’re already riding the Verdugo mountains regularly, it will be easy to meet the requirements.