Archive for the ‘Rides and Events’ Category

COSCA Annual Trailwork Day attracts 150 volunteers; 0.6 miles of trail built/repaired

Monday, October 20th, 2014

This past Saturday, October 18, almost 150 volunteers turned out to help rebuild the Conejo Crest Trail and a connector between this trail and the White Horse Canyon Trail in Thousand Oaks. This included 20 CORBA volunteers and several riders from nearby high school mountain biking teams. The work was divided into 5 distinct projects.

Chopping out a stump on the new trail to bypass the Descent of Death

Chopping out a stump on the new trail to bypass the Descent of Death

The most important was to build a reroute around the Descent of Death (watch the video of mountain bikers on the Descent of Death). This new trail is just over 1000′ long, compared to 680′ for the Descent itself, so it is about 1/3 less steep. Three crews were assigned to this challenging section with lots of big rocks, some very steep cross slopes, and many sturdy stumps to remove. The amount of work needed was more than could be accomplished by the available volunteers in just 3 working hours, so COSCA will complete this section later. However, the most difficult parts were completed so the bypass trail is open for use.

The connector to White Horse Canyon Trail is very rocky because rainwater has washed away all the soil. We removed the biggest and loosest of these rocks.

The connector to White Horse Canyon Trail is very rocky because rainwater has washed away all the soil. We removed the biggest and loosest of these rocks.

At the bottom of the bypass trail is a connector trail to the White Horse Canyon Trail. This 835′ long connector goes straight down the hill with no diversions to get the water off it. As a result, rainwater has run straight down it for years and it has become very rutted, and rocky where the soil, sand and smallest rocks have been washed away. In addition, it was somewhat overgrown. Three crews were assigned to this section to clear the brush, remove the worst of the loose rocks and build drainages to get the water off and minimize future runoff erosion. These crews finished early and went on to help build the bypass trail. Another crew was working to remove loose rocks from the Conejo Crest Trail for about 1100′ from the top of the Descent of Death. The bypass trail crossed an illegally built trail that ran from the top of the Descent of Death almost straight down the hill to the Los Robles East Trail (Edison Road). A ranger-led crew worked to rehabilitate the ground around this trail, to restore as much as possible the natural contour of the land. Berms and jumps were knocked down and raked over. The trail was blocked to prevent future use and further erosion and degradation of the public open space. Finally, a group of youngsters worked to beautify the trailhead to the Triunfo Trail at Triunfo Community Park by raking out the trail, building a pretty border out of rocks, and planting native plants in the bare area next to the trail.

Enjoying the lunch prepared by the COSCA rangers after trailwork was finished

Enjoying the lunch prepared by the COSCA rangers after trailwork was finished

After the work period, the volunteers gathered at Triunfo Park to enjoy a barbecue lunch prepared by the COSCA Rangers. About a dozen people won prizes in the give-away to thank the workers, including one lucky volunteer who won a Giant mountain bike. You can see more photos of the work in our gallery of trailwork photos. The trail crew leaders were COSCA rangers and volunteers from CORBA and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council. These folks and the organizations they represent would like to give a hearty thanks and shout-out to all the volunteers who help keep the trails in great shape for all trail users!

October Skills Clinic photos published Saturday, October 4

Saturday, October 4th, 2014

Eight riders took part in the October 2014 Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park on a sunny day that was forecast to get to 105 degrees. The temperature started off surprisingly cool, then climbed to a roasty warmth by the time we finished, but not close to 105.  You can see the September photos in the October 2014 photo gallery.

August Skills Clinic photos published Tuesday, September 9

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

There was no dedicated photographer available for the August Skills Clinic in Malibu Creek State Park so Mark took some himself whenever he could. That ended up being just for the rocky stream crossing. You can see the photos in the August 2014 photo gallery.

September Skills Clinic photos published Saturday, September 6

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

Fifteen riders took part in the September 2014 Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park on a sunny and very warm day. CORBA’s president, Steve Messer, stopped by to watch. You can see the September photos in the September 2014 photo gallery.

Join our Ride and Mingle (RAM)/Pancake Breakfast September 28th

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

Come join us for a RAM (Ride and Mingle) morning! Ride beautiful Sycamore Canyon in Pt. Mugu State Park with your buddies, or join one of the guided beginner, intermediate or advanced rides.

PancakesThen pop over to Michael’s Bicycles in Newbury Park at 10:30am for pancakes!

Please sign up in advance so we’ll know how much batter to have on hand for hungry riders!

You can sign up on the CORBA Meetup page or the CORBA Face Book page.

Suggested donation for the Pancake breakfast is $10.

Please support your local community of mountain bikers by supporting CORBA:

Directions to the trail head in Newbury Park: Take the 101 Freeway to the Wendy exit in Newbury Park. At the end of the off-ramp proceed south on Wendy until it dead-ends at Potrero Road. Park in the adjacent dirt parking area.

COSCA Annual Trailwork Day Oct 18th

Monday, September 1st, 2014

Come out and join the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA), CORBA, the Santa Monica Trails Council and other volunteers for the 24th Annual COSCA Trailwork Day in Thousand Oaks on October 18, 2014. The trail we will be building/repairing will be announced soon.

COSCA will treat participants to lunch afterwards and have a drawing for some great door prizes. Participants who register with our Meetup event will also be eligible for the end-of-year drawing for a Niner frame and other prizes!

For full details and to register, see our registration page. We hope to see a good turnout of local mountain bikers at this event!

Girlz Gone Riding news for September

Monday, September 1st, 2014

GGR Logo

GGR’s Rocktober XC Gala Registration is UP! We are almost at our cut off of 150 riders!

For event info & registration: October 19th at Malibu Creek State Park. 8am-4pm. This is a FREE event for all GGR members

  • Registration is cut off at 150 women so sign up now!
  • Women’s Specific Demo bikes!
  • Beginner skills clinics
  • Guided rides
  • Guest speakers
  • Raffles, silent auctions, good bags and more


A Celebration of Women on the Mountain Weekend!

We had 59 women show up for this Big Bear weekend! All levels were riding the mountain both XC and DH. There were guided rides, Enduro practice, a speed meet & greet, group dinner and contests. For pictures and complete blog, go here:


September 8th-12th in Las Vegas! The biggest industry bike event! New products, outdoor demos, networking, a cross race, everything you can imagine relative to the cycling industry! Wanna meet with GGR & get involved in the women’s mountain bike community? Looking to sponsor a PRO ENDURO FEMALE RIDER? Then contact Wendy Engelberg, GGR Director to set up an appointment or ride at Interbike!


CORBA RAM Ride (ride & mingle) and Pancake Breakfast! September 28th: 7:00am. This is a CO-ED ride & event.

Come join us for a RAM (Ride and Mingle) morning! Ride beautiful Sycamore Canyon in Newbury Park with your buddies or join one of the guided rides. Then pop over to Michael’s Bicycles in Newbury Park at 10:30am for a pancakes! You can sign up on the CORBA Meet up page here: or the CORBA Face Book page here: Suggested donation for the Pancake breakfast is $10. Please support your local community of mountain bikers by supporting CORBA:

Skills Clinics!

You wanted clinics! You got em! October 11th and 12th Intermediate Skills clinics given by Leigh Donovan at Mt Pino’s are SOLD OUT! Want more clinics? Keep your eyes peeled, they are coming!


Save the Dates!

September 28th: CORBA RAM (Ride & Mingle) and Pancake breakfast. Sign up here:

October 19th: GGR Presents Rocktober XC Gala! Registration is required:

November 16th: Wenches with Wrenches at Michael’s Bikes in Newbury Park: Sign up here:

December 20th: GGR Holiday Ride & Lunch! Juliana Bikes will have their demo truck there for us! Sign up here:

July Skills Clinic photos posted Monday, July 7

Monday, July 7th, 2014

Guest photographer Graham Martin filled in for Steve again this month. The weather was very hot and there was a small but enthusiastic group at Malibu Creek State Park for the Skills Clinic this Fourth of July weekend. You can see the July photos in the July 2014 photo gallery.

Wendy Engelberg joins CORBA’s Board of Directors

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
Wendy Engleberg joins CORBA's Board

Wendy Engelberg joins CORBA’s Board of Directors

On Monday, June 9, 2014, CORBA’s board of directors unanimously  approved the addition of Wendy Engelberg to the board. We’re more than excited to have her “on board” (pun intended).

Wendy’s life was forever changed when she attended CORBA’s Fat Tire Fest at Malibu Creek State Park in 2005. It was her first introduction to mountain biking, and the start of an incredible life journey for her. She was instantly hooked on mountain biking, and before long was encouraging her friends to get involved. She began riding with the Dirt Chix and the North Ranch Riders mountain bike club soon thereafter, finding her place within the mountain biking community of which we’re all a part.

She became an avid CORBA volunteer, always there to lend a hand at CORBA events and fundraisers.  In late 2011, looking for ways to get more women involved in mountain biking, Wendy co-founded Girlz Gone Riding (GGR), an all-female mountain bike club. GGR holds skills clinics, group rides, workshops, day trips, road trips, social gatherings, and an annual fundraiser and CORBA/GGR Membership Drive every October. GGR is non-competitive, and provides a very welcoming and supportive environment for new riders.

What Wendy has accomplished with GGR, all the while supporting CORBA’s efforts, is nothing short of impressive. We know she’ll continue to impress us with her energy, her drive, and her willingness to go above and beyond. She will get more people — and especially more women — out on mountain bikes. We’re also looking forward to working even more closely with GGR to expand our outreach and education efforts.

Also noteworthy is that the addition of Wendy brings CORBA’s board up to fifty percent women.

Social media is one of the tools that Wendy has used with great success to build up and engage the GGR membership. You can follow her on twitter @WendyEngelberg, or on Facebook.

Wendy’s first love is the Santa Monica Mountains, but you’ll often find her in Big Bear during the hot LA. summer.


June Skills Clinic photos posted Sunday, June 8

Sunday, June 8th, 2014

Guest photographer Graham Martin filled in for Steve this month who was leading another event to commemorate National Trails Day. As always, there was a good group at Malibu Creek State Park for the Skills Clinic. The weather started out cloudy but cleared by the end of the class. You can see the June photos in the June 2014 photo gallery.