Archive for the ‘Free Basic Skills Clinic’ Category

Skills Clinic Photos for April 7, 2012

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

What a beautiful day to be riding in Malibu Creek State Park! Twenty-seven riders came out to enjoy the fabulous weather today and participate in this month’s basic skills clinic. With such a large class, we were running a little behind so we skipped the steps and the splash in the creek. Even so, it was a great class with lots of action-packed photos! You can see them in the April Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

Skills Clinic Photos for March 3, 2012

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Twenty-three riders came out to enjoy the fabulous weather today at Malibu Creek State Park and participate in this month’s basic skills clinic. There was water in the creek so we have some good splash photos at the end. Some people didn’t make it all the way across and got pretty wet! You can see all the photos in the March Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

February 4th 2012 Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

We had a good-sized class today with 25 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park. The cooler months are a good time to take the class because the lower attendence means you get more attention, and today the weather was perfect for riding! The pool of water in the creek was pretty deep again this month so we had some good splashes. You can see all the photos in the February Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

January 7th 2012 Skills Clinic Photos

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

We had a small class today with only 8 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park. The cooler months are a good time to take the class because the lower attendence means you get more attention! The pool of water in the creek was pretty deep today so we had some good splashes. You can see all the photos in the January Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

December 3, 2011 Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

We had 39 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic, including about 30 riders from the SoCal High School Cycling League, at Malibu Creek State Park. This may be a record attendance! There was a pool of water in the creek so we had some good splashes. You can see all the photos in the December Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

November 5, 2011 Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, November 6th, 2011

We had 20 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park with cool temperatures under a cloudless sky. There was no water in the creek even though it rained a little the day before – everybody rode across in both directions! You can see all the photos in the November Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

October 1, 2011 Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Guest photographer Mark Langton filled in for Steve this month while he was on vacation. View the October Skill Clinic photo gallery!

September 3rd Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

We had 28 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park with clear weather and a perfect temperature. There was no water in the creek – everybody rode across but there were no splashes! You can see all the photos in the September Skills Clinic Photo Gallery!

August 6th Skills Clinic Photos

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

We had 21 participants in this month’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park with clear weather and a perfect temperature. There was no water in the creek – everybody rode across but there were no splashes! You can see all the photos in the August Skills Clinic Photo Gallery!

July Skills Clinic Photos

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

We had 34 participants today in today’s basic skills clinic at Malibu Creek State Park with clear and warm (to hot) weather. With so many riders, we have a lot of photos in the July Skills Clinic Photo Gallery!