Archive for the ‘Santa Monica Mountains’ Category

Take a Kid Mountain Biking 2013 to be Oct 5 in Malibu Creek State Park

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

On TKMBD2013October 5, in conjunction with the IMBA Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, CORBA Kid’s Club will be having a fun ride at Malibu Creek State Park at 9:00 am. This will be a ride followed by a barbecue. All ages are welcome! If the kids are too young to ride, feel free to bring a bike trailer or trail-a-bike and tow them along. These can be your own kids, nieces, nephews, friends kids, neighbor kids… Kids must have their own bikes and helmets.

There will be a few different ride options for different age groups. Feel free to participate even if you don’t have any kids to bring.

Childhood obesity in the United States has reached an all-time high. Experts say that the current generation of U.S. children could actually have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. IMBA and CORBA believe mountain biking can help reverse this trend. We need your help to get kids back on bikes.

For for more information email

Please register online in advance so we’ll know how many people to expect. Directions and further details are given on the registration page.

The GGR Rocktober 20th XC Gala is now RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Register now before the event is full! Registration is FREE! at This is GGR’s annual event that celebrates women on bikes! And……….this event is also a CORBA membership drive and fund raiser too! When you renew or purchase a new CORBA membership before Oct 19th, you will be entered in a raffle for a NINER frame!!

Here is a taste of the events for Oct 20th:

Demo demo demo bikes!!!!
Beginner Skills Clinics
5 levels of guided XC rides
Swap Meet
Guest Speakers
Goodie Bags
Fuel station
Silent Auctions

We have some incredible sponsors that support GGR and women’s cycling. Please try their products and support them!

Hammer Nutrition
Liv Giant
SOCAL Endurance
Sport Legs
Kali Protectives
Cycle World
Newbury Park Bike Shop
JRA Bikes & Brew
The Unlikely Cyclist
Mountain Bike Action
BH Skin
Dirty Jane
DZ Nuts
Road ID
Dirty Girl Designs
Hero Kit
Cinema Secrets
Knolly Bikes
The Perfect Peel
Scar Heal
Go Girl
Muscle Milk
Kramp Krusher
Night Rider
Matrix Concepts
Atlas Brace
Osmo Nutrition

Fun (and spooky) Night Ride to Murphy Ranch Ruins Oct 25th

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Meet at Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park (top of Reseda Blvd. in Trazana) or at San Vicente Mountain Park (Nike Base in Encino) at 5pm, then ride to Sullivan Ridge then down to Murphy Ranch Ruins for a guided tour of this historic site by an expert in local lore. Wear a costume (or bling your bike) for a chance to win a prize. There will be snacks and other goodies. Lights mandatory.

Register online in advance so we’ll know how many are coming at


Backbone Trailwork from Latigo Cyn Road Nov 9th

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Join CORBA and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council as we fix up the Backbone Trail near Latigo Canyon Road. We’ll be doing treadwork, clearing silt out of the drainages and possibly building some new ones. Our work on Saturday will help keep the water off the trail and prevent the ruts from getting bigger and swallowing the trail!

After the trailwork is finished, CORBA will have prizes for some (or all) lucky volunteers, and treat you to lunch afterwards.

No experience is necessary to help out with trailwork. Tools and instructions on how to use them safely and effectively will be provided.

Children must be over 7-years old to attend, and children under 14 must be constantly and directly supervised by their parent or guardian who brought them.

And you don’t need to be a mountain biker to help out – Everybody is welcome! For more information on trailwork in general, visit our trail crew web page.

Be sure to wear protective clothing (sturdy shoes, long pants and sleeves, hat, golves) and bring snacks, sunscreen and water. CORBA will provide the tools and training.

We request that you pre-register online at  so that we’ll know how many tools to provide. Remember, by registering here, CORBA will treat you to lunch afterwards, and enter you in the drawing for mountain biking prizes!

CORBA’s thank-you lunch will be after trailwork ends at 2:00 pm, so bring some snacks to tide you over.

The online registration page also contains details about where and when to meet.

It Takes a Village…Of Mountain Bikers

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

By Mark Langton


CORBA founders/Steering Committee/Board of Directors accepting the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame award for 2013. From left to right: Kurt Loheit, Peter Heumann, Jeff Klinger, Michael Goodman, Jim Hasenauer, Jennifer Klausner, Mark Langton, Steve Messer (not pictured, Hans Keifer).

Last week on September 18, CORBA was officially inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame during the Interbike Trade Show in Las Vegas. Several CORBA founding members, past and current board members, and VIPs attended the event. Also inducted were professional racers Marla Streb and Nicolas Vouilloz, Rim Cyclery (Moab, Utah) founders Robin and Bill Groff, and photographer David Epperson. Click here for more information on this year’s inductees.

In the weeks leading up to the event, I was tasked with compiling and editing a list comprised of founders, Steering Committee and Board of Directors members, and friends and significant contributors to CORBA, first provided by CORBA’s unofficial archivist Jim Hasenauer. It’s still a work in progress, but I believe it is fairly comprehensive (see below). The most noteworthy impression I get when looking at the list is that CORBA’s success in getting and keeping trails open to bicycles in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and greater Los Angeles County and Eastern Ventura County is due to a team effort.

In 26 years more than 30 people have joined CORBA’s Steering Committee/Board of Directors. They have all made significant contributions to keeping CORBA on the high road of advocacy. The list of significant friends and volunteers is made up of people who have in one way or another gone above and beyond to help guide and bolster CORBA’s efforts, such as organizing events, providing mentoring and guidance,  volunteering incredible amounts of time, and so much more. Their contributions are far too lengthy and complex to list here, but it is one thing I am endeavoring to do as well. To be sure, if their name is on the list, they have done something significant to keep CORBA moving forward (including some land management agency folks who certainly took their fair share of heat for siding with CORBA; of course, they were visionaries). If you see someone missing who you feel should be on the list, please send their name and description to me at Thanks!

Steering Committee/Board of Directors (chronological)
Jim Hasenauer
Kurt Loheit
Mark Langton
Matt Landis
Peter Heumann
Ross Blasman
Lou Pescarmona
Dan Bernstein
Callie Courtis
Michael Goodman
Lawana Godwin
Mike Roth
Jim Walters
Gary Stevens
John Christ
Ken Rodriguez
Laura O’Neal
David Grey
Mark Fingerman
Frank Still
Ed Dee
Reuben Finkelstein
Louisa Bonnie
Greg Scarich
Hans Keifer
Jeff Klinger
Sonia Ottusch
Danusia Bennett Taber
Mark Langton
Steve Messer
Jennifer Klausner
Friends of CORBA and Significant Volunteers (alphabetical by first name)
Aaron Hanson
Al Farrell
Alan Yoshida
Alex Baum
Bannar Moffat
Bart Allen
Bill Foster
Bob Pugsley
Bonnie Baskin
Brian Hemsworth
Brian Simms
Bryan Gordon
Burt Elliott
Carol Gray
Carola Lindquist
Charlie and Mary Litsky
Christine Blasman
Clay Clymore
Danny Ybarra
Darryl Gray
Dave Dwyer
Dave Mummert
David Ross

David Updike

Dieter Schirrmacher
Donna Marks
Dori Friedman
Elayne Haggan
Ezra Dweck
Fran Gruchy
Frank Padilla
Fred Ansaldi
Fred Chavez
Gene Berwager
Holly Harmon
Hoyt Pemberton
Jack Dwyer
Jack Matalon
Jack Short
Jean Bray
Jeff Alexander
Jerry Cowan
Jim Shanman
Joe Dillman
Jonathan Kay
Katy Endicott
Keith Barefoot
Kellog and Andelson Accountancy Corp.
Ken Raleigh
Ken Williams, Carol Matsonaga, and Dana Supanovich attorneys at Law
Kevin Donnelly
Kevin Korenthal
Lance Bisco
Larry LaSota
Larry Marks
Liz Baumann
Loren Bain
Loren Pluth
Lynne Rubin
Mansoor Sabbagh
Matt Gunnell
MBU/Youth Adventures
Mike Poteet
Pete Warden
Randy Rogers
Rebecca Lemke
Rich Pinder
Robert Heagy
Robin and Mike McGuire
Rorie Skei
Russ Eddy
Russ Okawa
Steve Clark
Steven Weiss
Stu McNally
Stuart Ganong
Tamara Napier
Terry Harmon
Tom Robbins
Troy Braswell
Virgil Hemrick
Vondell Scharrer
Wendy Engelberg
Woody Smeck




Registration Filling Fast for the GGR Roctober XC Gala, Oct 20th

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

We invite all you ladies out there to a very special day of mountain biking, skills clinics, networking, demo bikes and a swap meet on Sunday, October 20th at Malibu Creek State Park.This is an event open to ALL LEVELS of women riders only & is a FREE event. This event is also a CORBA membership drive and fund raiser!

We will have 5 levels of guided XC rides – all starting at Malibu Creek State Park. Beginner ladies, you will be welcomed with open arms! The skills clinics are designed around YOU! Register NOW!

  • JUST FOR BEGINNERS is a mini skills clinic!
  • Advanced riders will ride the New Millennium Trail! 100% single track!
  • CORBA/IMBA Membership drive! Renew your membership online and get entered to win a NINER Frame!
  • SWAP MEET!   Bring your used or new bike gear and clothes to swap or sell during the lunch break!
  • CORBA providing the fuel station!
  • GOODIE BAGS for all registered GGR riders
  • Demo bikes!

Online registrations will CLOSE AT 150 RIDERS! We want to keep it small and manageable, so please sign up early! If you sign up and have to cancel, please notify us so we can open up a spot for someone else.

– Helmets are mandatory no exceptions.
– No beach cruisers or road bikes on the trails.

– Bikes must be ready to go and in working order. We are not repairing any bikes this event. Please make sure if you have any concerns on your bike to get it into your local supporting bike shop the week before.

Please see the schedule of events for the days happenings.
After your ride, join us for lunch, a swap meet, raffles and the silent auction winners! Please bring your own picnic lunch and something to share with the group. Chairs or blankets are also encouraged.

We look forward to meeting and riding with all of you fabulous ladies very soon! Let’s have an amazingly, fun, fabulous day and inspire each other!

Guest Pro & Clinic instructor: Christine Ellicott Hirst (

Guest Pro & Clinic instructor: Christine Ellicott Hirst
Guest Pro & Clinic instructor: Christine Ellicott Hirst


September Skills Clinic photos published Monday, Sept 9, 2013

Monday, September 9th, 2013

The photos from the September 7th Skills Clinic at Malibu Creek State Park have just been posted on this website. Eight participants braved a very hot day to improve their skills. You can see them in the September 2013 photo gallery.

Northern Access to PMSP to Be Closed Aug 28-29

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

Asphalt and Bridge Repair at Rancho Sierra Vista & Pt. Mugu

Due to the road repairs from the Springs Fire, the asphalt road from Satwiwa down to Sycamore Cyn Bridge will be closed from 6AM, Wednesday, August 28 – Thursday, August 29 at 6PM. Bikes will not be able to access Pt. Mugu SP from Rancho Sierra Vista.

Show Us Your Smile

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

smileSometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. We have created this message tag with the help of BikeTags ( so that we can spread the message of goodwill, peace, and harmony throughout the world. Or maybe just the message “don’t worry, be happy.” The idea is to show other trail users that we belong, we care, and we can coexist. Similar to the SoCal High School Cycling League’s “spirit of howdy”, it’s a way to remember to slow down and smell the sage brush.

We’ll be making the CORBA Smile Tags available to anyone who wants one, just send an email request to We’ll be giving away prizes for the best photos of the tags on your bikes while on the trail. Photos will be judged on originality, creativity, and overall quality. (Details to follow in the coming weeks). The grand prize will be a Niner full suspension frameset, donated by Niner.

OK, so maybe putting the Smile Tag on your bike* won’t save the world. But a lot of times a little smile can go a long way.

*The Smile Tag is a high quality plastic laminated product and comes with all hardware necessary to mount on a handlebar or under the seat. If mounting to the handlebar, a hole may need to be punched at the bottom of the tag to help secure the tag to a brake or derailleur cable (see photo).



GirlzGoneRiding News for September

Saturday, August 24th, 2013

From Wendy Engelberg

GGR is now gearing up for their annual ROCKTOBER 20th XC Gala! We are so thrilled to welcome this year Mountain Bike Action Magazine! MBA will be providing their latest edition in every one of our goodie bags plus donating 5 subscriptions for our raffles! Read more on the GGR Blog here!

GGR is still looking for supporters and sponsors for the October 20th event at Malibu Creek state park. The event is also a CORBA fund raiser and membership drive!

GGR has a lot of exciting events coming up too! We are now almost 400 strong in LA!

Check out the upcoming events on the FB page!

September 7th! GGR Rocktober 20th Committee Meeting. Want to volunteer?? Sign up here:

September 14th! GGR Rocktober 20th Pre ride for ride leaders: Sign up here:

September 15th! Wanna train for distance?? Come join us in the 1st ride to get ready for the 12 hours of Temecula in November! Sign up here:

GGR Road Trip! Kernville Style! September 27th-29th! Want some EPIC XC and all mountain riding?? This is a CO-ED GGR road trip! Spouces and partners are welcome! Strong Intermediate and Advanced riders only. More info and sign up:

And of course our annual GGR big event is October 20th at Malibu Creek State Park. Registration will go up mid September and close at 150 riders!

For additional information on GGR or our events, please feel free to contact me anytime!

See you out on the trails!

GGR Gurl Wendy!