Archive for the ‘Regions’ Category

The Grand Canyon by Bike, Not Burro

Friday, January 25th, 2013

The Suburu/IMBA Trail Care Crew helps bring new singletrack to the North Rim

Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona has often been called the “eighth wonder of the world.” Lesser known is the area’s value as a mountain biking destination. Eighteen miles of moderate singletrack with stunning views into the canyon are open to bikes on the North Rim. The land is managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) North Kaibab Ranger District, which is looking to add additional miles to the existing, out-and-back trail.
IMBA Grand CanyonContrary to popular belief, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is not a desert. The Rainbow Rim trail sits at 8,000 feet, winding through forests of ponderosa pine and aspen trees. Users can expect to see abundant wildlife, including the rare Kaibab Squirrel, a white-tailed, tufted-eared critter that only lives in the 40-mile radius of the Kaibab Plateau. The forest is also home to wild turkeys, often spotted running in packs through the trees.
During the last weekend of September, the Subaru/ IMBA Trail Care Crew (TCC) helped the staff of the Kaibab forest prepare to add seven additional miles to the existing Rainbow Rim trail. Several of the rangers there are mountain bikers and wanted IMBA’s guidance to design the extension specifically for bikes.
To kick things off, IMBA hosted Land Manager Training, helping the Kaibab forest staff and rangers from the neighboring Dixie National Forest to better understand mountain bikers as a user group. The presentation was followed by a robust discussion about resource protection, risk management and trail design.
The Trail Care Crew—along with IMBA regional directors Ryan Schutz and Patrick Kell—then assisted the rangers in finding the most fun, beautiful and sustainable route for the new trail, which will utilize a steep side slope to add a loop and turn Rainbow Rim into a lollipop ride. Schutz, Kell and the TCC flagged the steep hillside carefully, using the contour to ensure good flow in the final trail while keeping riders off an unpleasantly steep, loose service road. The new section of planned trail must undergo an environmental assessment, but as soon as the Kaibob rangers get the go-ahead, construction will begin.
The Rainbow Rim project also involves a road-to-trail conversion, which is already underway. The TCC and volunteers from Arizona and New Mexico reclaimed 900 feet of road, converted 1,200 feet of road into trail and cut 900 feet of brand-new singletrack to bypass the old road. The USFS will finish where the volunteers left off, replacing the road with sinewy singletrack.
After a night spent camping on the North Rim with the volunteers and sharing a headlamp-lit cookout, the TCC had a chance to ride the Rainbow Rim trail.
“The remoteness of this trail gives you a feeling of isolation that is often not found at the South Rim,” said TCC member Jesse Livingston. “And the well-designed nature of the trail allows riders to enjoy mileage that is difficult to achieve in mountainous terrain.”
Only a few days after the TCC left the Grand Canyon, the Kaibab rangers contacted IMBA headquarters asking for more help with their next big trail idea. We hope this visit marks the beginning of a lasting partnership with one of America’s most treasured natural splendors.

Subaru’s VIP Program allows IMBA individual/family members and IMBA member clubs to purchase or lease any new Subaru saving $1,300-$3,000 off the manufacturer’s suggested retail price, without haggling. Visit for details.

Town Hall 1/26 Cancelled

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we must cancel our Town Hall meeting at Paramount Ranch this Saturday January 26. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements regarding meetings to discuss shared use issues with agency representatives of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Happy Trails!

Cancelled – Town Hall Meeting This Saturday Jan. 26

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

meeting of the knobsBy Mark Langton

The trail user community, and mountain bikers in particular, have a unique opportunity to get involved with our open space trails on the ground floor this Saturday. Whether you’ve been using the trails for years or are new to our open space, you can meet the newly appointed Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA) Superintendent David Szymanski and discuss with him how we can change the culture of shared use in our mountains.

An avid mountain biker who has logged hundreds of miles on SMMNRA and COSCA trails in just the few months he has been here, Szymanski has stated that mountain bikers in the SMMNRA are a integral part of the trail user community. This purpose of this meeting is to engage the mountain bike community to come together and examine the issues of our  shared use trail system.

Your attendance and participation in this meeting will speak volumes in promoting a cohesive and caring trail user community now and  for future generations.

We hope you will join CORBA in helping make this groundbreaking event a success. We need a good turnout of mountain bikers to show that we are willing to make shared use trails in the SMMNRA the most pleasant experience for everyone possible.

When: 1/26/13, 2pm

Where: Paramount Ranch Pavilion, 2903 Cornell Road, Agoura Hills, California 91301

There will be a short guided ride around the Paramount Ranch trail network following the meeting. Paramount Ranch’s trails are great for kids and new mountain bikers. Paramount Ranch is also the location of many film and television shoots over the years, and the historic Western town is interesting and educational.

Update: Due to circumstances beyond our control, we must cancel this event. See the follow-up post on this site for more info. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Conejo Open Space Challenge Starts February 1

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Photo_092910_001From February 1 through May 1, 2013, mountain bikers, hikers, trail runners and equestrians of all ages are challenged to experience ten of the best and most beautiful multi-use trails in the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA).  This is a “virtual” event, where you will take photos of specific landmarks along trails and email them in for validation to show you have completed all of the event’s trail segments.  The goal is to create a unique event to benefit COSCA that involves all trail users, from people completely unfamiliar with the trails to long time veterans.  Participants who complete all 10 segments by May 1 will be entered into a raffle to win prizes donated by event sponsors: Michaels Bicycles, Roadrunner Sports, Boney Mountain Coffee, and Billy D’z BBQ.  Prizes will also be given for best photos as judged by the Conejo Open Space Foundation ( Photos will also be available on COSCA’s Facebook page and at COSF’s website.

For event or sponsorship information contact Steve Bacharach at or 805-405-7635.

Click here for an event flyer.

Skills Clinic Photos for January 5, 2013

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

It was a perfect day to be riding in Malibu Creek State Park to participate in the first basic skills clinic of the year. This month we had 15 riders and I’m sure eveyone had a great time with the clear and crisp weather! You can see the photos in the January Skills Clinic Photo Gallery.

Q & A With New Nat’l Recreation Area Superintendent Jan. 26

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

David SzymanskiNewly appointed Superintendent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA) David Szymanski, along with several National Park Service and State Park representatives, will be available for a question and answer session this January 26 from 2:00-4:00pm at Paramount Ranch in Agoura Hills.

Presented by CORBA, this will be an opportunity to ask questions directly and discuss such issues as the future of the SMMNRA, improving user safety and minimizing conflicts, and creating a backcountry community through stewardship. This is a unique opportunity to meet our top land management representatives one-on-one and get a better sense of what the SMMNRA is going to look like in the next 10-15 years, especially on the brink of the final phases of the new Trail Management Plan.

It is important to have a strong showing from the mountain bike community to show our interest and commitment to working with land managers in the SMMNRA.

Girlz Gone Riding open ride February 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013


GGR on the advanced ride in October 2012

GGR on the advanced ride in October 2012

GGR (girlz gone riding), will now be having quarterly open rides starting Saturday Feb 9th! A GGR open ride is open to ALL LEVELS especially encouraging beginners. The Feb 9th ride will be in Reseda and an event page will go up here mid January where you will need to sign up for the Open ride. Sign up IS required: We will have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of XC rides that will combine both single track, double track and fire road. LADIES ONLY PLEASE….Plan is to have 4 or 5 GGR OPEN rides per year in different locations. This is not only a great way to learn the trails, but meet other women your level to ride with! Let’s have a blast and see the GGR jersey’s out in full force! Sign up, helmets, mountain bikes, water and smiles required! Make sure to sign up on the GGR Face book page for all upcoming events and read our blog at

Mountain Bike Unit 2013 Training Starts February 2

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

MBU, Mountain Bike Unit, Santa Monica Mountains

Calling all mountain bikers age 18 and over! The Mountain Bike Unit (MBU) is currently recruiting for its 2013 New Recruit Training Class. If you enjoy mountain biking and are interested in giving back to the community by volunteering some time to assist our understaffed Park Rangers in patrolling the parks, then the MBU may be just what you are looking for.  The MBU supports and are sponsored by the National Park Service (NPS), California State Parks (CSP), and the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA).

Here’s what it’s all about. The MBU assists in providing park visitors with a quality outdoor experience and preserving natural resources while patrolling over 60,000 acres of public parkland in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Beginning in February 2013, training will include visitor contact skills, State and National park radio use, park rules and regulations, first aid and CPR training, and field training exercises.

Patrol areas and opportunities include the following:

MBU, Mountain Bike Unit, Santa Monica Mountains-National Park Service parks:  Cheeseboro/Palo ComadoZuma/Trancas CanyonsRancho Sierra Vista, and Circle X Ranch
-California State Park locations: Malibu Creek, Will Rogers, Point Mugu, and Topanga
-We also patrol MRCA areas near metropolitan Los Angeles, such as Franklin Canyon and Upper Las Virgines Open Space Preserve
-In addition, we volunteer to patrol and support other events such as the LA and Malibu Marathons, Wheels to the Sea, the Ventura County Fair, and CORBA’s Fat Tire Fun(d)raiser
-The MBU also helps support CORBA’s Youth Adventure Program, which offers at-risk youth the opportunity to enjoy the mountain biking experience in our beautiful parks

All MBU patrols require at least two patrollers.  All rides are self scheduled on the MBU website. We ask each of our volunteers for 100 patrol hours annually (roughly two four-hour patrols per month).

Would you like to learn more? We invite you to come to King Gillette Ranch Auditorium at 9:00 am on Saturday, February 02, 2013 for an indoor orientation meeting where we will share with you more details about this wonderful program and what patrolling with the MBU is all about. We encourage you to bring your bike and helmet because we plan to take potential recruits on a ride-along (sorted by ability) after the presentation, weather permitting. Training sessions will start the following week and extend into April. Visit the MBU training web page for more details, or to contact the MBU via e-mail ( To see the MBU in action, view our gallery of MBU photos.

Malibu Times covers the MBU, Orientation February 2nd

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

MBU, Mountain Bike Unit, Santa Monica Mountains

Today, December 26, 2012, the Malibu Times ran a great story about the MBU, including their beginnings as a CORBA program, and the vital role they play in helping ensure the safety of all visitors and trail users in the Santa Monica Mountains. The Mountain Bike Unit is one of the models on which IMBA’s Mountain Bike Patrol was based, now an international program.

The MBU is an all-volunteer organization, operating under an interagency operating agreement between the National Park Service, State Parks, and the Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority.

If you’re interested in being a part of this exceptional and rewarding program, an informational meeting for those interested in volunteering is scheduled for the King Gillette Ranch Auditorium at 9 a.m. on Sat., Feb. 2. Actual volunteer training sessions begin on Feb. 9, 2013 at National Park Service headquarters in Thousand Oaks. For more information, visit the website at

The Malibu Times story is available on the Malibu Times web site, or as a PDF.

Ride and Mingle Photos Posted

Monday, December 17th, 2012


Saturday’s Ride and Mingle was a great success, with plenty of good-natured conversation, some brief but important PSA’s about trail etiquette, great riding to incredible vista points, and a bunch of happy prize winners. Plus the perfect weather and remarkably clear views made the day extra special. Thanks everyone who came out to allow us to thank you for your support of CORBA.


Photos of the event and riders can be viewed at our RAM photo gallery.