Archive for the ‘CORBA News’ Category

September eTerraTimes Newsletter Published September 4

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

The September edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes, was published today, September 4th. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online.

As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.

Join our Ride and Mingle (RAM)/Pancake Breakfast September 28th

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

Come join us for a RAM (Ride and Mingle) morning! Ride beautiful Sycamore Canyon in Pt. Mugu State Park with your buddies, or join one of the guided beginner, intermediate or advanced rides.

PancakesThen pop over to Michael’s Bicycles in Newbury Park at 10:30am for pancakes!

Please sign up in advance so we’ll know how much batter to have on hand for hungry riders!

You can sign up on the CORBA Meetup page or the CORBA Face Book page.

Suggested donation for the Pancake breakfast is $10.

Please support your local community of mountain bikers by supporting CORBA:

Directions to the trail head in Newbury Park: Take the 101 Freeway to the Wendy exit in Newbury Park. At the end of the off-ramp proceed south on Wendy until it dead-ends at Potrero Road. Park in the adjacent dirt parking area.

Wendy Engelberg joins CORBA’s Board of Directors

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
Wendy Engleberg joins CORBA's Board

Wendy Engelberg joins CORBA’s Board of Directors

On Monday, June 9, 2014, CORBA’s board of directors unanimously  approved the addition of Wendy Engelberg to the board. We’re more than excited to have her “on board” (pun intended).

Wendy’s life was forever changed when she attended CORBA’s Fat Tire Fest at Malibu Creek State Park in 2005. It was her first introduction to mountain biking, and the start of an incredible life journey for her. She was instantly hooked on mountain biking, and before long was encouraging her friends to get involved. She began riding with the Dirt Chix and the North Ranch Riders mountain bike club soon thereafter, finding her place within the mountain biking community of which we’re all a part.

She became an avid CORBA volunteer, always there to lend a hand at CORBA events and fundraisers.  In late 2011, looking for ways to get more women involved in mountain biking, Wendy co-founded Girlz Gone Riding (GGR), an all-female mountain bike club. GGR holds skills clinics, group rides, workshops, day trips, road trips, social gatherings, and an annual fundraiser and CORBA/GGR Membership Drive every October. GGR is non-competitive, and provides a very welcoming and supportive environment for new riders.

What Wendy has accomplished with GGR, all the while supporting CORBA’s efforts, is nothing short of impressive. We know she’ll continue to impress us with her energy, her drive, and her willingness to go above and beyond. She will get more people — and especially more women — out on mountain bikes. We’re also looking forward to working even more closely with GGR to expand our outreach and education efforts.

Also noteworthy is that the addition of Wendy brings CORBA’s board up to fifty percent women.

Social media is one of the tools that Wendy has used with great success to build up and engage the GGR membership. You can follow her on twitter @WendyEngelberg, or on Facebook.

Wendy’s first love is the Santa Monica Mountains, but you’ll often find her in Big Bear during the hot LA. summer.


Danusia Memorial Ride

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014
Danusia Memorial Ride

Danusia Memorial Ride

Last weekend, on the May 31st one-year anniversary of Danusia Bennett-Tabor’s passing, an informal memorial service/ride was held at Malibu Creek State Park. It was a solemn but cheerful event, organized by Wendy Engelberg and the Girlz Gone Riding volunteers, a group that started with Kim Cofield, Wendy and Danusia. Wendy also wrote a wonderful report about the memorial ride with photos by Jesse Ettinger and others. Read it on the GGR blog.

There were many cheerful moments, interspersed with a few tears, as friends told stories about their wonderful experiences with Danusia. Steve Messer made sure everyone appreciated how much she did for CORBA, and how her work continues to guide us.

Recently, CBS did a special report on the cancer and procedures that ultimately took Danusia’s life. Her husband Don told her story in the CBS report on Leiomyosarcoma. Almost $1000 in donations were accepted on behalf of the Sarcoma Alliance, followed by the real celebration: riding.

Thanks to everyone who came to Malibu Creek to remember Danusia.

Photos from Danusia’s May 31 Memorial and Rides

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Photos from Jesse Ettinger and Wendy Engelberg have been assembled into a photo gallery. If you missed the event, you can see some of the happenings in the photo gallery.

Join the Danusia Taber Memorial Ride May 31st

Friday, April 18th, 2014

Please join us for the 1st annual Danusia Taber Memorial ride at MCSP (Malibu Creek State Park) at 9AM on May 31st. This ride will be to honor Danusia Taber who passed away in May of 2013 of Leimyosarcoma, a rare cancer. This is also a fund raiser ride for the Sarcoma Alliance the non profit that helped Danusia in her time of need. Please donate prior to the ride in Danusia’s Memory here:

You can also bring cash or a check made out to The Sarcoma Alliance and turn it into me at the Memorial site at 9am.

Danusia was instrumental in getting GGR off the ground. She was there from the beginning with direction, motivation and helping with partnerships such as CORBA. She was a CORBA board member, an MBU patroller, a mentor and great friend to many. Before she passed, she approved the Danusia Bell program. These are small bells to place on your bike or pack alerting other trail users you are there. 100% of these profits also go to the Sarcoma Alliance per Danusia. You can purchase your Danusia bells here:
or here:

Danusia riding on the Wood Canyon Trail in Pt Mugu State Park

We will have 3 levels of rides:

• Beginner & Advanced Beginner: Riding to the dam and back: about 8 miles

• Intermediate: Short Bull dog loop & Grasslands: about 15 miles with 1500 feet of climbing

• Advanced: New Millennium Loop & Grasslands: about 19 miles with 3400 feet of climbing.

All riders will meet at the Memorial spot at 9am to have a brief revisit of Danusia’s life and why we are there for her and the fund raising efforts. If you have a story to tell about Danusia, I will open up the area to anyone who does. We would love to hear it! She was a character and we all have many great stories!

Please meet at the SOUTH end of Mott Motorway where the memorial service was held last year: Mott is #7 on the Map.

You can further show your support by signing up for this event on our Meetup group here and encouraging all your friends to come along!

If you have any questions on the event or ride, please contact Wendy Engelberg:

I thank you so very much in advance for supporting this event. GGR Girl and Proud CORBA member Wendy E

Niner Bike Frame is Grand Prize for Trailwork Volunteers

Friday, March 28th, 2014
Could it be YOU who wins a frame like this Niner?

Could it be YOU who wins a frame like this Niner?

As part of the thank-you for volunteers who help with maintaining our trails in good riding order, CORBA has been giving away mountain biking swag at the end of each event. To speed things up on trailwork days, and to allow some really great  (ie, expensive!) prizes to be given away, we will instead have a drawing at the end of the year for all the volunteers who come out during that year.

We have a Niner frame waiting for some lucky volunteer, plus other great prizes including grips and saddles from Ergon!

In order to be eligible for the drawing, volunteers must register for events in advance on our Meetup group, show up at the event and sign the standard waiver form. At the end of the year, we’ll go back through all the Meetup events and count the number of times each volunteer helped out. Everyone will get one chance in the drawing for each time they participated.

Now by helping to keep our trails in good shape, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re giving back to the trails community, of contributing to the enjoyment that others have in our open spaces, and also having a chance at scoring a sweet ride from CORBA and Niner!

Good luck and thanks for helping out!

eTerraTimes Publication to Become Bimonthly

Monday, January 27th, 2014


CORBA’s web- and email-based news publication, the eTerraTimes, will be only published every other month, starting in February 2014. Future important messages will be sent by email, rather than using the eTerraTimes to distribute them. The purpose of this change it to reduce the workload on the volunteers who put this newsletter together.


January eTerraTimes Newsletter Published January 2

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

The January edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes, was published today, January 2nd. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online.

As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.

December eTerraTimes Newsletter Published December 5

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

The December edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes, was published today, December 5th. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online.

As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.