Archive for October, 2010

Rim of the Valley Study Comments

Friday, October 29th, 2010

As we reported back in August, the National Park Service has been holding public hearings on the Rim of the Valley Special Resource Study.  The public meetings have provided an opportunity for many to voice their support and/or concerns for the concept study.  Until midnight tonight, you can email your comments to the National Park Service.

Rim of the Valley Study Area Map

Rim of the Valley Study Area

The Rim of the Valley is comprised of the open spaces that surround the San Fernando, La Crescenta, Santa Clarita, Simi and Conejo valleys. This area spans both Los Angeles and Ventury County, and a bevy of land managers from different agencies. CORBA fully supports the prospect of having these various land managers come together under the direction of the National Park Service, with the goal of permanently protecting this vital ecological and recreational resource.


Pinecrest Gate to the Mt. Wilson Toll Road

Friday, October 29th, 2010

For those of us who ride the Mount Wilson toll road, we’ve all faced the prospect of racing to beat the closure of the gate at Pinecrest Avenue at dusk.

Unofficial-looking, hand-made signs on the Pinecrest GateMountain bikers are not the only ones affected by this troublesome and potentially hazardous gate. Hikers, equestrians and dog walkers also face the prospect of being trapped behind the gate after dark.

For cyclists, this is especially troublesome as there is no alternative legal place for cyclists to exit without backtracking up the Mt. Wilson Toll road or Altadena Crest Trail to an alternate trailhead. Bicycles are prohibited in Eaton Canyon, which is in itself a hazardous journey after dark for all trail users.

The Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group has recently made their feelings on this foreboding gate known to the Mayor of Pasadena and other key government officials. CORBA fully supports their position, demanding that the gate be removed or replaced. Our official letter to the Mayor of Pasadena and other officials is below and continues after the break.

We encourage all concerned trail users to write to the Pasadena’s Mayor and City Council to express your feelings about the Pinecrest Gate situation.

The Pinecrest Gate, as seen on Google Street View. The now-repaired landslide is visible if you rotate the image to the right:

View Larger Map

A PDF copy of the letter is available for download, or read on below:

October 26, 2010

Hon. Bill Bogaard, Mayor
City of Pasadena
100 N. Garfield Avenue, Room S228
P.O. Box 7115
Pasadena, CA 91109-7215

Re: Pinecrest Gate at Eaton Canyon Park

Dear Mr. Mayor,

We urge you to remove or open the Pinecrest Gate to allow full 24/7 recreational access to the Altadena Crest Trail, the Mount Wilson Toll Road and Angeles National Forest.

As a non-profit serving and representing off-road cyclists from the greater Los Angeles region, CORBA has received numerous reports from our concerned members about the condition of the Pinecrest gate. The Pinecrest trailhead is a historically significant and popular access point to the Angeles National Forest for off-road cyclists, hikers and equestrians alike.


LA Bike Plan to go before Planning Commission

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

The 2010 Bicycle Plan staff report and related documents for the City Planning Commission (CPC) meeting are now available on the LA Bike Plan project website (

The Staff Report which accompanies the plan states specifically that the anti-mountain bike lobby were  more vocal in their opposition, and nothing in the plan changes the status quo regarding mountain biking being off limits in Los Angeles City parks. The only change to the plan in Chapter 3, section 3.3 (Bicycling in City Parks) is the removal of the word “Unfortunately.”  That pretty much sums it up. It isn’t even considered unfortunate that kids, adults, families, disadvantaged youths, and those seeking alternatives to riding bicycles on the street within the City of Los Angeles, all lose out in this Plan.

Here is the pertinent excerpt from the staff recommendation letter to the planning commission:

4. Mountain Bikes/Off Road

The appropriateness of including policies about mountain or off-road bicycling within the Bicycle Plan, which is a chapter of the Transportation Element, has been long disputed by some constituents. The concerns stem back to the adoption of the existing Bicycle Plan in 1996 which included specific policies to study the feasibility of developing mountain bicycle trails elsewhere within the City park system.

Despite mediated meetings with stakeholders (mountain bicyclists, hikers, and equestrians) during the development of this Plan, to discuss options and potential solutions, no consensus was reached. Mountain bicyclists continue to advocate for increased access to off-road park facilities, and hikers, environmentalists, and the equestrian community continue to articulate concerns about risk of accidents on shared use facilities and the potential for environmental damage to ecosystems.

In testimony and written materials submitted at the public hearings, several persons expressed concern about the impact of allowing bicycles on equestrian trails. Additionally, some commenters took exception to the “tone” of the text and the policies relating to off-road bicycling and multi-use trails. The language and policies as originally written gave some members of the public the impression that mountain bicycling would be allowed in City parks and that the Plan was undermining the Department of Recreation and Parks’ authority over bicycles in City parks.

Although the organizations and members of the public who have spoken and written against allowing bicycle on trails have been more vocal in their oppositions, a fair number of comments supported expanding the use of mountain bicycles on trails.

Proposed Changes:

The Department has reviewed the text relating to mountain bicycling and has made adjustments to clarify the intent of Objective 3.3 (see Appendix A). The City will continue to gather data on the issue and will not look to repeal the Department of Recreation and Parks’ authority over bicycles within City parks. Furthermore, none of the policies or programs within Objective 3.3 call for the expansion of bicycle mountain access beyond where it permitted today (Mandeville Canyon Park). Additionally, the policies contained in the 1996 Bicycle Plan explicitly state that the City will embark on allowing access in certain City parks have not been carried over into this Plan.

CORBA, in our official comments on the current revision of the plan, presented arguments refuting almost every aspect of this portion of the recommendation letter. The one thing that remains irrefutable is that the anti-mountain biking lobby were more vocal in their opposition. Nearly one thousand supporters of off-road cycling wrote to the City after the initial draft of the Plan was released in 2009. Clearly this wasn’t enough, though it represents but a small minority of off-road cycling enthusiasts in the City of Los Angeles.

The City Planning Commission Meeting on the 2010 Bicycle Plan (Case No. CPC-2009-871-GPA and ENV-2009-2650-MND) will take place on Thursday, November 4, 2010, after 8:30 AM at City Hall, Room 1010, 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The CPC agenda will be available after Thursday, October 28 on the Department of City Planning website (

The Planning Commission will be making their recommendations regarding the plan to the various planning committees in late November. Sometime in December the City Council is scheduled vote to adopt or reject the plan.

It continues to be in our best interest as off-road cyclists to remain engaged and to attend any and all public meetings and hearings. This is, after all,  just a planning document. The City’s past record with following their plans has been abysmal, and though nothing was gained for us in this plan, nothing has really been taken away. We didn’t have  trail access in City Parks before it. We need to remain engaged with the City Council, the Mayor’s office and the Department of Recreation and Parks as the decisions that affect us, irrespective of the plan, come from them. Encouragingly, the Mayor himself has expressed his support of allowing bicycles on City Park trails.

Other aspects of the Plan for on-street cycling have been well-received by the bicycling community. Again, the City’s ability to execute is what counts. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

Outside Mag: The Ban on Bicycles in Wilderness is Dead Wrong

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Outside Online, the online companion site to Outside Magazine,  recently published online an excellent article about the ban on Bikes in Wilderness areas. The article originally appeared in print in March. Echoing the arguments put forth by IMBA, CORBA and mountain bike groups across the country, the article lays out the reasons that lifting the ban could lead to more land being protected. If wilderness did not exclude bicycles, millions of mountain biking Americans would join with environmentalists to support new wilderness designations.

IMBA is working with agencies at the Federal and local level to incorporate alternate designations that allow mountain biking while still offering similar environmental protection.

You can read the article on Outside Online, or see the full text of the article is after the break.


CORBA at the So Cal High School MTB League Leader’s Summit

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

“The greatest recent innovation in mountain biking isn’t twenty-nine inch wheels, ten speed rear shifting, adjustable travel or carbon fiber. It’s high school mountain bike racing. This is shaping the future of our sport,”  said CORBA board member Steve Messer at the recent High School Mountain Bike League Leader’s Summit. The Summit is required training for all High School Mountain Bike League coaches.

Messer spoke to the new coaches about the importance of advocacy for mountain bike access. His presentation followed a talk by Matt Gunnell, director of the So Cal league, on how coaches need to train their teams to be good representatives of the mountain bike community. Part of being a good representative is giving back to the trails in the form of at least one day of trail work for each team, each season, he said. The League strongly encourages this, and many did not know their league insurance covers their team for trailwork during the season.

Banner Moffat, coach of the Glendale team and trail crew leader for the Friends of El Prieto then talked about the basics of trail maintenance. “Anyone can make a difference to a trail with time, commitment, and just a few basic tools. It isn’t rocket science.” Moffat said. He distributed handouts explaining some of the basics of trail maintenance including tools, brush clearing, drainage and rock armoring.

At least one high school team, St. Francis, will be participating in CORBA’s upcoming El Prieto trailwork day on November 7th. We expect team members from other teams as well.

“As high school coaches your voices carry a lot of weight with community leaders and land managers,” noted Messer.  “They’ll realize that X-games derived images of mountain biking don’t represent the reality of who is using trails on mountain bikes.”

Along with league director Matt Gunnell, Messer encouraged all the team managers and coaches to join their local advocacy groups, get up to date on any issues pertaining to the trails on which they ride, race and train. Most importantly, they need to let their voices be heard when it comes to public comments on proposed actions that may affect their trails.

Of special note is the fact that as the So Cal League enters it’s third year with several new teams confirmed and more in the works, not a single team is based out of any L.A.U.S.D. school, the largest school district in California. This is perhaps a reflection of the City of Los Angeles’ prohibition of off-road cycling in City parks. Almost all of L.A.’s neighboring cities have teams in the League.

The League carries a memorandum of understanding with IMBA, each supporting the other’s efforts. CORBA is also a supporter of the So Cal High School Mountain Bike League, and we look forward to working with the league as they help shape a new generation of not just mountain bikers, but upstanding representatives of the sport and stewards of the lands and trails on which they ride.

El Prieto Trailwork Day – Nov 7

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Join CORBA, the Friends of El Prieto, the St. Francis High School MTB Team and others to help restore this favorite trail in the Angeles front country.

We will meet at 7:45 so we can head out by about 8:00 a.m. Join us to do brush removal and trail repair on one of So Cal Mountain Bikers’ favorite trails.

The trail repair work may involve some heavy lifting, rock-reinforcing some sections and rebuilding sections of trail. We’ll also be clearing brush from much of the trail, which has grown back since the Station fire. We need to prepare the trail for the coming winter and to keep it in good shape for when this part of the forest eventually opens (Note that it is still closed, and we will be working in the area with Forest Service permission).

Flat Attack Tire Sealant

This trailwork day is being sponsored by Flat Attack. The first 20 people to RSVP at will get a bottle of this great flat-prevention product.  CORBA’s trail crew also receives generous support for REI.

No experience necessary. Tools and instruction will be supplied. Be prepared with long sleeves, long pants, sturdy hiking shoes and drinking water.

Please RSVP at is available for you to download, print, and spread the word. Rain cancels.

If you can’t make November 7th, but still want to help, there is another opportunity this weekend. 8 a.m. on October 30th, Conor Uhlir will be restoring the picnic table area along the El Prieto trail as part of his Eagle Scout project. Download the PDF flyer for his trailwork day here.

2010 Fat Tire Fest Finale

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

Youngsters lead their parents on the Beginner Ride that started with a ride through the park before moving to a dirt trail.


Amid perfect conditions (cool, cloudy), CORBA’s 2010 Fat Tire Fest and fundraiser was once again a great success this past Sunday October 17 at Lake Castaic Recreation Area. Despite some inclement weather in other areas, a great crowd of several hundred enthusiastic mountain bikers and their families enjoyed great riding and fun activities, wrapping up with the ever popular raffle with dozens of great prizes donated by sponsors, vendors, and local bike shops. Of special note was the large number of children riding along with their parents on their mini mountain bikes, a testament to how mountain biking can be a generational activity that both parents and their children can enjoy together throughout their entire lives.   

New this year was a cyclocross race with non-stop action, and a pre-event event, a night ride on Saturday evening presented by Light & Motion, with light systems available for testing.     

Milling around the display area after the rides were finished.


We would like to thank our sponsors: REI, Specialized Bicycles, Cynergy Cycles, Bike Magazine, Mountain Bike Action Magazine, and Six Six One. Special thanks to our guest professional racer Allison Mann ( for helping lead our advanced XC ride and assisting with our skills clinic.     

Another special thanks go out to all our volunteers, without whom we could not pull off this event. You know who you are, and your efforts are appreciated beyond words! 

(Take a look at the photo galleries from the Fest!) 

Ventura County Star Report on COSCA Trailwork Day

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

From the Ventura County Star (with a few additions)

About 175 people volunteered on Saturday to help create a new trail in Wildwood Park in Thousand Oaks as part of the 20th annual Conejo Open Space Trail Work Day.

The new section, which runs eight-tenths of a mile, connects the Santa Rosa Trail in Wildwood Park with the Baseline Trail in Santa Rosa Valley, also known as the Lower Santa Rosa Trail.

For Will Donley and his son, Blake, it was the third consecutive year they took part in Trail Work Day.

“My son is in Cub Scouts, so we come out and do it as a community service project,” said Donley.

“We had to lift rocks and make a path,” said Blake, a member of Cub Scout Pack 3712. “It was fun.”

“It’s the first time we volunteered and we enjoyed it. It was a great family project,” said Alik Shulman of Thousand Oaks, who came with his 11-year-old daughter, Daniela.

Trail Work Day was organized by the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency, the Conejo Recreation and Park District and the Conejo Open Space Foundation, which raises funds for and maintains open space and multiuse trails in the Conejo Valley. Also participating were frequent trailwork volunteers from CORBA, the Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association, and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council.

The new trail is part of a network of 112 miles of trails within the COSCA area and is a shared-use trail available to hikers, cyclists and equestrians.

“It went from a section that was pockmarked with big boulders to a nice, fairly even tread surface,” said Mark Langton, a volunteer with COSF.

After a morning of hard work, volunteers were rewarded with a free barbecue lunch at Botanic Garden on Gainsborough Road.

Julie Penry, a 32-year-old attorney who moved to Thousand Oaks from Oregon two months ago, said she has enjoyed exploring the local trails since coming to the area and wanted to give back.

“I use them, so I should help to keep them up,” she said. “It was a blast and I got to meet a lot of people, too, which is great for someone new to town.”

Kristin Foord, the manager of COSCA, said they couldn’t have created the new section of trail without the help of the volunteers.

“There’s no way we could have done that with our five rangers. It would have taken a month to finish it, and so we really appreciate that everybody came out today,” she said. “People have been asking us to provide that connection for a long time and I think it will be a popular trail.”

View our photo gallery of trailwork and the finished trail.

KLOS – Spotlight on the Community

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Cynthia Fox, Steve Messer & Mark Langton at KLOSCORBA’s Mark Langton and Steve Messer recently spent some quality time with radio DJ Cynthia Fox.  They will be appearing this coming Sunday on the KLOS program Spotlight on the Community.

In the half-hour segment Langton and Messer will be talking about the Fat Tire Fest as well as CORBA’s advocacy and outreach programs. Cynthia’s enthusiastic support for any activity that gets kids into the open air getting exercise made it easy for them to talk about the importance of having bike-friendly parks and public land. They’ll touch on High School Mountain Bike racing, CORBA’s trail care crew, Youth Adventures, the L.A. Bike Plan, and much more. Fox, like many Angelenos, was surprised to learn that bicycles are not welcome on L.A. City Park trails and unimproved access roads.

Aside from her regular 10-3 Monday through Friday KLOS slot, The “Fox” as Cynthia is known to her fans, hosts this outstanding show every Sunday morning. Spotlight on the Community gives non-profit organizations an opportunity to reach out to the public through mainstream media. CORBA is grateful to have been invited to talk about our programs and the mountain biking issues we all care about so much.

The show will air on Sunday, October 17, 2010 at 6:00 a.m.  You can listen by tuning in to KLOS (95.5 on the FM dial) as you prepare for the Fat Tire Fest!  After it airs, the program can be downloaded as a podcast from KLOS on-demand.

2010 LA Bike Plan Comments

Friday, October 8th, 2010

The following is CORBA’s official response to the off-road cycling components of the most recent draft of the L.A. Bike Plan.


Jordann Turner
Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 N. Spring Street, Rm 721
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Re: Draft L.A. Bike Plan,

Dear Mr. Turner,

Thanks for the opportunity to comment on the current draft of the L.A. Bike Plan. We’d like to address specific aspects of the plan, namely, the components related to off-road cycling.

We find it ironic that the summary outline of the plan (Chapter 4, Page 61) states under Objectives: “Environment: Bicycles in City Parks 3.3 – Provide a safe and comfortable experience for all users.” Clearly, this plan does not meet this objective as “all users” must include mountain bikers. There is nothing in this draft plan that provides any expanded access for off-road cyclists to any City of Los Angeles property. This plan only serves to divert off-road cyclists outside the City of Los Angeles, and to do further “study.”

Instead, the plan once again acknowledges the “growing need” for off-road cycling facilities identified in the 1996 plan. It also (page 55/56) gives a history of the attempt to find “consensus” among park users regarding mountain bike access. It does not however, give the complete picture of that process. It states no consensus was reached, but does not mention that no consensus was possible. For example, a representative of the Sierra Club who was part of that process made it clear that he was staunchly opposed to any bicycle access to City parks, in direct contradiction to the Sierra Club’s stated policy that “mountain bikes are legitimate trail users.” Should not those invited to represent a particular organization represent the organization’s stated public policies rather than their own personal views? Since the representatives from the non-mountain biking user groups at those hearings appear to have been hand-picked for their stated opposition to bicycles in parks, no consensus was possible.

The fact that no consensus was possible or was reached in those mediation hearings is presented in this plan as a finding that “the use of bicycles on city trails was not found feasible.” This is a misinterpretation of the outcome of those proceedings. The outcome was only that no consensus was reached among those at the hearings. No consensus was possible when those invited into the process entered the hearings with the intent of preventing bicycles from gaining access to city parks, not with the intent of finding any consensus.

We believe the specific recommendations for 8 new trails to be opened to mountain bikers must be carried over from the 1996 plan. Since the process of finding a “consensus” was tainted from the start, a better policy would be to implement the 8 new trails as a pilot project, and study the outcome.

Policy 3.3.2,B states “Pursue opportunities for mountain bicycle access that may exist on land within and adjacent to the City of Los Angeles, under the jurisdiction of other agencies such as the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Los Angeles County, State of California, etc.” This is a complete avoidance of the issue of off-road access for cyclists in Los Angeles. The communities surrounding the City Parks of Los Angeles are being denied bicycle access to those nearby parks for their children, for lower income families that do not drive or own vehicles. Middle to upper income off-road cyclists will seek higher-quality trail experiences in surrounding areas. Local youth, families, and those who would like to simply ride a bicycle from home to a park and enjoy the park’s facilities by bicycle, are left behind and completely ignored in this plan.

Policies 3.3.2 D, and E, are given five years to develop a database of existing trails and unimproved access roads. We support this process, however the five-year timeline is unacceptable. This should be completed in one year or less. CORBA has in the past assisted other land managers in developing trail databases using GPS technology and bicycles, at no cost to those agencies. However, since we cannot access the trails by bicycle we cannot help with this data-gathering service.

Policies 3.3.3 A and B “examine other jurisdictions…” should not take five years to complete. The data is already out there from other jurisdictions and studies. Strategies exist and appear to be working in cities around the country and the world. Numerous national, state, and county public lands are multi-use friendly, yet the reported incidence of conflicts is minimal. Five years to gather data that already exists is unacceptable. We find it puzzling that this plan acknowledges the successful implementation of multi-use policies that include hikers, equestrians and bicyclists in surrounding areas, yet expresses the need to study whether such multi-use principles are “feasible.”

Policy 3.3.3,C states “Conduct user counts and employ other methods to evaluate demand for off-road facilities by user groups.” Conducting user counts on the one section of trails at Mandeville Canyon would not give a true representation of the demand for multi-use trails within the City. These trails are far removed from population centers of Los Angeles. There is no public transport access to this area. Those who have the ability to travel will seek better quality trail experiences outside the city. Those who wish to participate in off-road cycling who do not or cannot drive will not be able to. So any count of users at the one location where off-road cycling is allowed will not give a true representation. Instead a better metric would be the number of off-road capable bicycles owned in the City of Los Angeles. When this number is compared to the number of users who own horses or who participate in hiking or trail-running, we’re confident that the numbers will speak for themselves. In fact, the 1996 plan acknowledged the “growing need” for off-road bicycle facilities. The Outdoor Recreation Association reported that mountain bike use grew by 18% from 2007 to 2008. Clearly the need exists, and it should not take five years to determine a known fact.

Policies 3.3.3 D and E “Obtain information on levels of use by hikers and equestrians before and after the introduction of off-road bicycle access” and “Conduct a spillover analysis to determine the extent to which mountain bicycle use spills over onto mountain trails where bicycling is prohibited” respectively, assumes that the introduction of off-road bicycle access will take place. Yet the introduction of mountain bicycle use is not specified or directed anywhere in this plan. This policy doesn’t specify that this data will be gathered from other jurisdictions, in which case the five year timeline is unacceptable, as the data already exist.

Nothing in this plan provides off-road bicycle access to parks for the bicycle-riding communities who live near LA City parks. While we understand that the serious mountain biking enthusiasts have access to surrounding areas, those of lesser means do not, and their needs are not addressed in this plan.

We would also like to see non-trail off-road alternatives be considered and recommended within the plan. Bike Parks, and specifically, dirt Mountain Bike Parks, can provide a safe, healthy center of activity and exercise for youth and adults alike, while avoiding any potential trail user conflicts. They can be constructed at minimum cost and maintained with a supervised volunteer workforce that helps generate a sense of ownership and community. Precedents exist in the form of skateboard parks in Los Angeles and bike parks in other cities.

While we agree that a trail database and inventory is sorely needed to manage the City’s parks, we would like to see this process expedited from the five years offered in this plan to one year or less. There are many City-owned parks, such as those in the northern San Fernando Valley, where there is no Management Plan in place. For those parks that do not have a management or master plan that specifically prohibits off-road cycling, we would like to see those opened to off-road cycling immediately.

To facilitate this, the plan needs to direct the City to lift the ban on off-road bicycles on trails in City parks. Section 86.04 of the Municipal Code prohibits bicycles on any trails. Section 63.44.16 prohibits bicycles, except on “paths roads or drives designed and provided for such purposes.” Further, MC Section 12.04.05 (Open Space Zone) specifically allows for bicycle trails within open space zones. These seemingly contradictory codes are subject to interpretation. They are currently interpreted as a city-wide ban on bicycles in parks. Having a city-wide ban on bicycles on park trails fails to take into consideration the differing demographics and needs of nearby residents of each individual park or open space. It sends an exclusionary message, disenfranchising the large and growing population of off-road cyclists. This ban effectively reduces opportunities for safe, healthy exercise, especially for non-driving children and adults. It even criminalizes a small child with training wheels learning to ride a bicycle in a park.

CORBA operates a Youth Adventures program, serving at-risk youth from the City of Los Angeles. We give them a truly rounded experience that includes nature interpretation, exercise, camaraderie and introduces them to a sport they can potentially enjoy for the rest of their lives. We are unable to serve as many youth as we’d like as we are not able to use facilities within the City of Los Angeles, where most of these youth are located. Expanded access would allow us to better serve the youth of Los Angeles, would encourage more outdoor exercise among these youth, and would help this generation avoid problems of obesity. Off-road cycling is fun, a good form of exercise and promotes health. It should be encouraged, not discouraged. Opening parks to bicycles would allow and encourage healthy exercise and appreciation of nature among the youth of Los Angeles.

Today’s BMX-riding teen could be tomorrow’s bicycle commuter; a teen who has a place to ride a bike has a place to exercise. Studies by the Outdoor Recreation Association reveal that making exercise fun is the biggest motivating factor we can offer our children. The unstructured play element of off-road cycling entices kids to explore our natural areas. The bike handling skills learned off-road lead to more competent and confident cyclists. Nothing in the current plan provides expanded bicycle access for youth who are unable to drive outside the city.

We have a vision of safe and friendly parks with shared-use trails and facilities that include cyclists. This plan does not share that vision, even though one of its stated objectives is to “Provide a safe and comfortable [City park] experience for all users.” A plan that fails to meet its own stated objectives cannot be considered complete or truly bicycle-friendly.


Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association