When you buy specially marked Nature Valley products, keep the wrappers and mail them back. They’ll donate an additional 10¢ per wrapper to the National Parks Conservation Association, up to $250,000. And all wrappers will be recycled.
Stuff an envelope with any specially-marked Nature Valley Granola Bar wrappers with the National Parks Program logo and mail them to:
National Parks Project
PO Box 450328
El Paso, TX 88545-0328
For more details, and to see other ways that Nature Valley supports our National Parks, visit their Preserve the Parks, Get Involved web page.
Why ONLY Specialtly marked wrappers and not all Nature Valley granola bar wrappers.
I saw this mentioned on one of the shows I was watching last week that was broadcasting from the Grand Canyon and I was so excited because I eat the Nature Valley granola bars (different kinds) and I would save the wrappers for 2 reasons. I recycle a lot of things and if you can recycle these wrappers I would mail them back to you. AND to help our National Parks is just an added benefit.
Please let me know which bars are the ones that can be mailed in for the 10 cent donations?
Natalie, The web page mentioned in the blog entry is clear that the wrappers need to be specially marked, but is vague on what the marking is. From the small photo, it looks like it has a green hexagonal symbol on it containing the words “National Parks Project.” As to why only specially marked packages, I can only say that they’re donating the money so they can make whatever rules they like. I can speculate that they want people to buy new product with the special wrappers, rather then sending in packages they already have lying around. But this is just a guess.