Study Considering Shared Use of the PCT Begins in Spring 2013

By Jim Hasenauer

You may have heard that there are a number of people working to re-open non-Wilderness sections of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) to bicycles.  When the PCT was closed to bikes in 1988, that regulation was supposed to have been reviewed annually.  It has never been reviewed.  We brought this to the attention of the National Forest Service (who are the lead agency for managing the PCT) , and they have agreed to review the regulation.  That process has not started yet.  We expect it to happen in the Spring.  At that time we will need high levels of participation from the mountain bike community.

Meanwhile, we’ve created a website and a facebook page “sharing the pct”.  Both are chock full of information about the initiative.  Unfortunately, some folks who oppose this idea have become quite strident and aggressive on the pct-l listserv and other venues.  We are trying to keep this initiative high-road with an emphasis on civility and fact-based decision making.  Don’t get into word wars with opponents.  Their insults (and threats of booby traps) and violence hurt them more than help them in the public process.

We think re-opening the PCT is good public policy.  It will help the trail and all of its trail users.

Right now, we are looking for organizations to sign on to our initiative and for specific information on different sections of the PCT itself and its suitability for multiple use.  Check out the website.  Your input is welcome.

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