Use to help CORBA

Use GoodSearch for your web searching and they will contribute to CORBA.Feb 18, 2008 is a grassroots search engine that donates a small  amount (1-2 cents) to a charity of your choice each time you search. If even just 100 people use twice a day, that’s about $730 raised for CORBA per year. The search engine that uses is Yahoo. You can also click though their GoodShop affiliate program when you shop online with participating retailers for additional donations to CORBA or another charity of your choice. It’s easy to use. Once connected to, simply enter CORBA into the box where it asks “WHO DO YOU GOODSEARCH FOR?” Check it out!

Use GoodShop for your web shopping and they will contribute to CORBA.March 27, 2008 Update

Now you can also use GoodShop to help CORBA! Do your online shopping at more than 500 stores through GoodShop and they will donate a few percent to CORBA. Don’t forget to specify CORBA as the group you goodshop for.

Learn about other businesses that will donate to CORBA when you use them.

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