voice of off-road bicyclists
COSCA's 22nd Annual Trailwork Day on October 20, 2012
160 Volunteers helped build the new trail sections in the Conejo Canyons Open
Space of Thousand Oaks. Trailwork was followed by a barbecue lunch and prize
drawings for the volunteers. See our
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
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The finished trail!
This stump must have been at b**ch to take out!
The last thing to do before lunch it to remove the flags that mark the downhill edge of the new trail
Preparing burgers and dogs for lunch!
As people are finishing their lunch, time to draw for the door prizes!
Winner of two CST mountain bike tires, courtesy of CORBA and IMBA
Another mountain bike tire winner
The last drawing is for this grand prize
The winner and his father, holding the microphone
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