Crew 1 work area
Crew 2 work area, to build a new trail segment that bypasses the mud pit.
Crew 3 work area, to widen the trail by digging out the 'slough' that's fallen onto the inside edge of the trail.
Crew 4 work area, to fill the large rut with gravel from the stream.
Crew 4 work area, to fill the huge rut with gravel from the stream. Unfortunately we didn't have enough people to form a Crew 4, so these huge ruts are still there.
The rest of the photos are of Crew 5 at work. Here they're widening the trail.
This rut need to be filled and a drain built to keep the water from flowing down the trail and regenerating the rut.
Filling in a rut and leveling the trail We did a lot of this!
Building a new drain to divert water off the trail. We did a lot of this, too.
The trail widening is coming along very well!
The trail looks almost new after filling the center rut and levelling it out!
We had a big rut to fill, so we took gravel from the streambed and dumped it in the rut.
Chopping out a yucca plant that's in the way of a new drain.
This new drain is almost finished. The final step(s) is to pack it down by stamping it with your feet.
This trail 'cut' (shortcut) is being covered with rocks to disuade people from using it.
Filling in the rut with gravel taken from the steambed.