CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
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Dragging dirt from the berm at the outside of the trail into the middle to fill in the rut and restore the proper outslope. This is so water will run off the outside edge, rather than down the middle and deepen the rut.
Armoring a shortcut (10' away from a switchback) with rocks to protect it from erosion.
Widening a switchback
Cleaning out a drainage nick that directs water off the trail. It had become clogged with silt.
An equestrian happened to come by while we were working. The horse had no problem with this tight switchback!
Progress on armoring the trail cut.
Working on another drainage nick.
Water is running off the trail here, creating a rut. We'll build a new drainage nick so the water can drain from the trail without digging a rut.
Another trail cut a few feet from the switchback that needs to be armored with rocks.
Here's the switchback. The two red flags mark the location of the cut.
We use red chalk to mark the location of drainage nicks.
On this section of the trail, the berm has been broken down and the dirt used to fill the center rut, leaving a trail with a nice outslope for shedding water.
The outside of the trail here had sunk down, so we dug out the inside to make it more less off-camber.
At the end of the work area, where the brush hadn't been cut back. The trail looks much narrower without having the overgrowing brush cut.
The trail looks so much better now that the berm has been removed and the rut filled in!
Cutting the last drainage nick of the day
The dirt that is dug out of the nick is pulled down the trail a few feet to make a raised 'ramp' that further keeps the water from running down the trail.
COSCA Rangers Greg and Sean where there to supervise and help out.
The widened switchback when finished.
The Giant Bikes crew at the end of the workday. Time for lunch!
The COSCA Rangers load the tools back into the truck.
Lunch at Cronies