CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
Shuttling to the bottom of Guadalasca in the rangers' vehicles
Digging a ramp down to cross the stream bed
Working on the ramp up on the other side to get back to the trail
Carrying dirt from where it was dug out to make the ramps down to where it will be used to fill in ruts
Filling in a rut
Filling the buckets to move the dirt
Carrying a bucket of dirt isn't enough for this helper!
Here you can see both the new ramps down and back up as they are developing
This is how the trail looked before we filled in the entrenchment with dirt so it would be more level
Filling in the rut
Here the trail has been leveled with dirt from the ramps
The work crew when the ramps are finished
Packing up the tools on the way out
The finished ramp
The same ramp from the other end. You can see the other ramp going up on the right.
A better view of the ramp going up